Step-by-Step Guide To Creating Your Website

Staff Editor
Jul 09, 2013 4 mins read

Step-by-Satep GuideTo Creating Your WebsiteIf you’re reading this, then you’re in the market to create a website, whether it’s for personal or business reasons. And if you’re reading this, then you probably have no idea where to begin with creating a website.

Thankfully these days website creation is as easy as putting in a couple hours of your day. No longer do you need to do your own coding and hope for the best. Read on for a step by step guide in creating your website!

1. Get a host. Before you can build a website, you need a place to put it. Web space these days is cheaper than ever. Many hosts offer year long subscriptions for as little as fifty dollars. You can also register your domain for a mere ten dollars.

If you don’t have the capital to spend even this much, then there are free hosts as well, although they have more rules and may include ads on your site. It’s almost always better to get your own web space.

2. Find a template you would like to use. There are thousands of website templates out there for you to get for a small fee or even for free. Find one that speaks to your aesthetic and matches your needs. If you’re putting up a blog, get a nice blog layout. If you’ll selling things, get a wide layout with a big display.

Finding a layout template is one of the most fun parts of building your own website. Even if you’re not coding it by hand, let your imagination go crazy and have fun with it.

3. Upload your template to your host. Put the whole template up as is so you can see it functioning on your web space. You can do this by taking the files provided and uploading them using a FTP client or through your host’s dashboard. Once you play around with how your layout is set up, you will be ready to start editing it.

4. Tinker with the colors and graphics. There probably isn’t a perfect template out there for anyone. In this case you may need to change the colors or upload your own image. Most templates have it spelled out in the files how you can achieve this. It is highly recommend that you don’t go on to the fifth and final step until you have completed this one – it includes incorporating commenting features and social media widgets as necessary as well.

5. Input your own unique content. This is where your website comes alive. Take the stock text that the template has and put in your own text. Build your links and get things working like a real website! Once you hit upload, be aware that your site is considered “live” and ready for indexing by search engines. However, odds are people won’t come visit you until you get the word out about it.

Thankfully these days putting up a website is an easy process that requires little to no money. Once your website is up, go find out how to market it! Find more website creation tips here.

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