Effectively Extend Your Business’ Reach

Mike Zen
Jul 06, 2021 3 mins read
Affiliate Program for Beginner

Everybody could benefit from a helping hand. Being a lone wolf isn’t something that you can be when you’re handling a business. It’s important for you to give and receive help in order to forge connections and relationships that will help your business grow.

This is especially true when you’re just starting out. Because, sometimes, no matter how good your ideas and campaigns are, if nobody knows you exist, it’s all for nothing. This is why you spend for ads, marketing campaigns, and endorsements.

Online, though, nothing else could be more influential or beneficial for you than to have a notable blogger write about you and your business. People, your potential market, hold their favorite blogger’s opinion to the highest regard. This makes them a good target to contact and focus your brand recognition attempts at.

What You Need

  • Plan with a blogger outreach site like Blogdash. You can create an account for free.

Setup Steps

  1. Create and set up your account at http://www.blogdash.com.

    <p>Create and set up your account at <a href="http://www.blogdash.com">http://www.blogdash.com</a>.</p>

Setup your campaign.

  1. On the Create tab, enter the required information: Start Date, End Date, Campaign Name, Campaign Visibility, Channel, Campaign Tags, Blogger Compensation, and Campaign Description.

    <p>On the Create tab, enter the required information: Start Date, End Date, Campaign Name, Campaign Visibility, Channel, Campaign Tags, Blogger Compensation, and Campaign Description.</p>

  2. Add media by clicking Add a video, photo, text file, or a PDF > Click Save.

    <p>Add media by clicking Add a video, photo, text file, or a PDF > Click Save.</p>

Recruit your bloggers.

  1. Click Find > Choose among Top Bloggers, Discover, and New Bloggers.

    <p>Click Find > Choose among Top Bloggers, Discover, and New Bloggers.</p>

  2. You can also choose to customize the filters found on the right panel > Click Apply Filter after.

    <p>You can also choose to customize the filters found on the right panel > Click Apply Filter after.</p>

  3. Click the bloggers you want to add > Click Add Selected to List.

    <p>Click the bloggers you want to add > Click Add Selected to List.</p>

  4. Create one and type a name then click add.

Contact your prospects.

  1. Go to Pitch > Choose the bloggers you want to contact and click Create Pitch.

  2. Enter your personalized pitch > You can upload a video by clicking the prompt > Click Save.

Lay the ground work.

  1. Do research on influencers in your niche.

  2. Go through their material and comment on their blog posts.

  3. Start gaining some recognition with the blogger or company by sharing their content.

  4. Choose a blogger outreach program. A good example would be BlogDash.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 1 month

Additional Tips

Do extensive research on the bloggers that you find before making your pitch. Narrow your prospects down to the 10-20 most effective ones.  

  • Be active and responsive on social media.
  • Focus on really personalizing your pitches.
  • Email them.
  • Make your subject lines more enticing.
  • Make your pitches and descriptions brief.

Potential Results

Despite having a good idea yourself, blogger outreach sites like BlogDash helps you find bloggers that are appropriate for your niche. With focus and the right tone in your messages, you could easily find up to 500 bloggers to help influence your marketing campaigns. With great influencers and hard work, you could double your earnings within a couple of months.

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