The Painless Road To Becoming An Authority Blog

Mike Zen
Apr 28, 2022 3 mins read
Authority Blogs for Beginner

The best thing about having a blog is realizing that you’ve become an authority. It’s every blogger’s dream; even those that consider blogging a way to unwind or a hobby; to have people heed your words and seek your opinions on a certain topic or niche. The fact that it pays even better is the rich buttercream icing on the cake. The first step to becoming an authority blog is putting yourself in an environment that will not only help you learn but also has an extensive list of helpful experts to inspire you.

What You Need

Setup Steps

  1. Before you even begin with creating your site, you should find your niche and your vision, mission, and goals.

Find the service that fits your needs. If you’re interested in The Blog Marketing Academy, you can sign up for The Lab.

  1. Start learning. Go to Products > Course Library and browse through the many available courses at your disposal.

    <p>Start learning. Go to Products > Course Library and browse through the many available courses at your disposal.</p>

  2. Join Office Hours to clarify some questions and learn more about creating an authority blog.

  3. Go through The Library to gain more insights and Blueprints when you feel a little lost.

    <p>Go through The Library to gain more insights and Blueprints when you feel a little lost.</p>

  4. Participate and engage other members in The Community.

  5. Figure out the type of site, service, and tools that you need so you can find the right web host.

  6. Purchase a domain and hosting.

  7. Go through their Business Building Bootcamp and learn more about your market and setting up ads.

    <p>Go through their Business Building Bootcamp and learn more about your market and setting up ads.</p>

Marketing Setup

  1. Sign up for Google Analytics for free.

  2. Create and setup your social network accounts.

  3. Sell something; may it be a real product, webinar, training, or subscription.

  4. Test your offers to see which works best.

  5. Focus your content on experts and noteworthy people related to your niche.

  6. Provide images and videos to support your blog content.

  7. Optimize your content and media.

  8. Offer $1 subscription membership.


Time to do: 2 weeks

Time to see results: 5 months

Additional Tips

Pick a niche that solves a problem for people. This narrows it down to a specific target; a target that needs a solution. This also makes your goal clearer, making each step more defined.

Turning your blog into an authority site will take a lot of time and effort. Blog Marketing Academy spent 5 months building up solid backlinks to get them to where they are now. Don’t be discouraged if you’re site doesn’t pick up as quickly as you had hoped.

Explore different monetization methods. Innovations and trends change so stay updated and maybe spy on competition a bit to find out which ones are working the best.

Potential Results

The first few months will be slow and you’ll probably earn up to $500 a month. But succeed as an authority blog and you could earn as much as $10,000 a month; popular ones like Pinch of Yum earn more than $30, 000.

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