Design A Booming Affiliate Coupon Site

Mike Zen
Dec 05, 2021 3 mins read
Affiliate Marketing for Beginner

Everybody’s always looking for a good deal. People go shopping online and search for coupons and discount codes before actually buying anything. This is why coupon sites are such a huge hit. Get enough people to like the coupons on your site, and the way your site works and traffic are sure to steadily go up in time.

While looking for coupons and partners to get content on your side can pose a challenge, creating your site doesn’t have to be. Luckily, there are some great WordPress themes out there dedicated to creating coupon sites. A quick purchase and installation of something like that and you’re good to go. You just need to figure out which one works best for you.

What You Need

  • WordPress hosted site

  • WordPress coupon theme

Setup Steps

    Set up Clipper and customize your site.

    1. Click on Clipper > Dashboard to see your Clipper Info and Stats for the last 30 days.

      <p>Click on Clipper > Dashboard to see your Clipper Info and Stats for the last 30 days.</p>

    2. To customize the look of your site, you can go to the General tab and click through Site Configuration, General Options, Search Settings, Security/Reports, Advertising and Advanced.

      <p>To customize the look of your site, you can go to the General tab and click through Site Configuration, General Options, Search Settings, Security/Reports, Advertising and Advanced.</p>

    3. To change core style sheets, Google CDN jQuery and debug mode and to customize post options, click on the Advanced tab.

    Add coupons to your site.

    1. To find shortcodes and coupons, go to the Coupons menu.

    2. To add coupons, click Add New > Publish. This will also allow for addition of coupons to a post or to a page.

      <p>To add coupons, click Add New > Publish. This will also allow for addition of coupons to a post or to a page.</p>

    3. To enable Paypal and bank transfer, click on Payments​ and just select to enable such.

    4. To import your coupons from a different system, go to Clipper > CSV Importer, choose your mapped .csv and click Upload file and import.

      <p>To import your coupons from a different system, go to Clipper > CSV Importer, choose your mapped .csv and click Upload file and import.</p>

    5. Find a coupon theme you like and install it. One well- rated theme is Clipper, which can be purchased at

    6. Purchase a service and install WordPress.

    7. Identify which recommended web host will be able to meet your goals. Consider one that will register your domain for you.

    8. Identify and contact merchants you intend to do business with.

    9. Create your memorable domain.

    10. Pick a niche that’s popular but doesn’t have any or a lot of available coupons.

    Marketing Setup

    1. Find your relevant audience and connect with them through Facebook Ads.

    2. Create content like videos, articles, and podcasts to attract your target market through Content Marketing.

    3. Consider Email Marketing and build an email list of potential shoppers.

    4. Do not forget about Search Engine Optimization, which will make your website come out on search results under specific keywords on Google and other search engines.

    5. Activate and optimize Pay Per Click (PPC) ads for your relevant search terms.

    6. Use mobile media and find a way to your market’s phones by creating a Mobile App that they can download and utilize.


    Time to do: 5 weeks

    Time to see results: 3 months

    Additional Tips

    Build visual appeal. Use color and content that would attract a consumer to read your message and to buy from you.

    Know the distributors you can partner with and can deliver your coupons to their customer base.

    Target businesses who are new to online coupons.

    Use the power of media to spread news about your site. Join forums and engage in social media to make your site known.

    Identify blogs and social influencers that would be interested in a deals website and offer them discounts or freebies in exchange for a review.

    Contact authority blogs and create a deal that would allow you to do a guest blog post on their site.

    Create regular newsletters and updates to send to your list.

    Potential Results

    Starting income can be $300 – $1000 in a month.

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