Make Money As A Professional Freelancer

Mike Zen
May 29, 2022 3 mins read
Freelancing for Beginner

Finding a job used to mean writing a resume, printing out dozens of copies, going to job fairs, going to different offices and handing out your resumes, waiting for a call to go back for an interview… it was long and tedious. So when you’re out for a job as a freelancer, it’s all just a little too much. It’s definitely much easier nowadays. You just go online, find job listings, apply, and wait for an email about an interview.

But for freelancers looking for an online job, outsourcing marketplaces have become the easiest and most convenient way for employers to find people to hire for little jobs here and there. These types of online marketplaces offer job listings covering a wide range of categories. You’ll be sure to find something for you.

What You Need

  • Account at freelancing site

  • Payment method – Local bank account, Paypal – (Sign up at, Skrill (Sign up at, Freelancer debit card (Sign up for an account at Freelancer)

Setup Steps

  1. At, click Sign Up > Click Sign Up With Facebook and sign up using your Facebook account or just enter your email address/phone number and desired password > Create account.

    <p>At <a href=""></a>, click Sign Up > Click Sign Up With Facebook and sign up using your Facebook account or just enter your email address/phone number and desired password > Create account.</p>

  2. Verify your email address by opening the email sent from Freelancer and clicking on Verify Your Email.

    <p>Verify your email address by opening the email sent from Freelancer and clicking on Verify Your Email.</p>

  3. Select your skill and expertise > Click Next on the lower right side.

    <p>Select your skill and expertise > Click Next on the lower right side.</p>

  4. Verify your payment method or you can do it later by clicking skip this step.

    <p>Verify your payment method or you can do it later by clicking skip this step.</p>

  5. On the dashboard, click on the topmost right icon of the page, which later on would contain your profile picture.

    <p>On the dashboard, click on the topmost right icon of the page, which later on would contain your profile picture.</p>

  6. Click Edit Profile.

    <p>Click Edit Profile.</p>

  7. Upload your profile picture and update your profile details.

    <p>Upload your profile picture and update your profile details.</p>

  8. Click Work and click on the search options from the dropdown.

    <p>Click Work and click on the search options from the dropdown.</p>

  9. Click on the work post that you are interested to apply for and follow the prompts.

    <p>Click on the work post that you are interested to apply for and follow the prompts.</p>

  10. Prepare a portfolio or samples of your work.

  11. Find a freelance site to sign up for. Feelancer is a notable platform for you to try.

Marketing Setup

  1. Focus on branding and advertise your services on your own website. Adding a link to your website on your Freelancer profile page will help establish your credibility. Post a link to your Freelancer page on your website.

  2. Be active and visible in social media. Promote your Facebook page, optimize your Twitter account and connect with potential clients and potential partners in LinkedIn. Add your Freelancer link to your social media pages, and add your social media links to your Freelancer page.

  3. Create and publish videos on YouTube. Add a link to your web page and your Freelancer page on the video and on its description.

  4. Practice networking with experts and speakers who can promote your brand and services.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 5 weeks

Additional Tips

Create a complete and appealing profile page.

Set a competitive rate.

Offer discounts and incentives.

Ask your clients for feedback and referrals.

Potential Results

Getting people to notice your profile, or get hired for enough jobs that pay decently will definitely take a while. You could start of earning $250 to $500 a month. A full-time freelancer can potentially earn a minimum monthly income of $1000. You just need to be patient and keep applying for any job you feel you could do.

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