Buying Made-For-You Content Sites

Mike Zen
Jun 13, 2022 3 mins read
Affiliate Marketing for Beginner

If you’re someone that wants to start a site, earn a little passive income, but has little to no experience in creating one, you should consider buying a site. There are many marketplaces that sell all sorts of websites and you could just sign up and find the site of your dreams. But, you could also get a website builder that will make you a site that meets your specifications. It will take a while, sure. But wouldn’t you rather get what you want than spend hours looking for something and then just settling for one that’s sort of close to what you want?

If you already have a site builder in mind, that’s good. If not, NicheJet is a good recommendation; especially for beginners as it’s a hands- off site building service. All you have to do is specify what you want and it will build your site and create drip- fed content for your site. Although there are many good alternatives such as creating content yourself or hiring a writer, it’s good to know that you have the option to don’t have to get started from scratch.

What You Need

Setup Steps

  1. At, click Order Now > Select your choice from the available categories.

    <p>At <a href=""></a>, click Order Now > Select your choice from the available categories.</p>

  2. Purchase and fill up their form with the needed information.

    <p>Purchase and fill up their form with the needed information.</p>

  3. Check for email updates regarding the progress of the development of your site.

  4. Do keyword research on your niche. Sites like NicheJet will provide some recommendations but you should do it, too, to make sure you’re getting the best ones.

  5. Find your niche. Narrow it down to something that solves a problem, is topical, and you can write about over and over again in numerous angles.

  6. Meanwhile, start writing your own content.

  7. Once it’s done, you’ll get your credentials and you can check out your site. Go through everything and see if it meets your expectations and whether or not there are bugs so you can communicate it and get fixed right away.

Marketing Setup

  1. Add your own content. Remember your keywords, and include those in the filenames of media you will be uploading into the site.

  2. Create social media accounts and share your content there.

  3. Find influencers in your niche and provide them with a freebie in exchange for a review or shoutout.

  4. Setup some ad space and invest in paid advertising.

  5. Find bloggers who would be interested in your niche and talk about guest posting.

  6. Build your list and create regular email campaigns.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 3 months

Additional Tips

Invite engagement through your content by providing value to the audience and choosing the most engaging topics relevant to your niche.

Add informative and high supplemental media like high-resolution images and beneficial videos to your content to increase readers’ interest and to increase the quality of your content.

Use your content to guide potential customers through your sales cycle.

Promote content using a .com domain.

Create long content with more than 1000 words to add value to the reader to improve your search visibility and rank.

Focus on a buyer persona to know which topics interest your potential customers.

Use simple and optimized titles for your content.

Schedule your blogs on a consistent basis.

Repurpose your content – reuse your content in multiple places and forms.

Back up your arguments with data.

Potential Results

Getting a site done for you would help you start earning money faster. Potential starting monthly income is around $500- $1,000.

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