The Straightforward Way To Personalize Your Blog

Mike Zen
Jun 29, 2022 4 mins read
Blogging for Beginner

Having a blog gives you an opportunity to either just share your interests with the world, or start a business by writing about what you’re passionate about. Sometimes, it’s both.; and you end up making money from doing something that you love. How great is that?

But whatever your purpose may be, blogs have always been those friendly mates that are willing to give you a hand about any topic that you’re struggling with. This is why they’ve always got this casual and personal touch to them. Those that don’t, tend to fall behind its competitors. Don’t let that happen to you. Give your blog a personal touch and mold it into becoming everybody’s best friend in dealing with everything related to your niche.

What You Need

  • Platform – a common recommendation is WordPress. Free, familiar, open- source

Setup Steps

  1. Write down all your interests.

Cross out topics based on the following:

  1. -Offers a product to sell in relation to the topic.

  2. -Has competitors making money off the same niche.

  3. -You can think of at least 100 topics for articles that you can write about.

  4. Figure out what type of blog it’s going to be and what you want it to look like.

  5. Find a platform. WordPress is a site where most bloggers start off with. The site itself even started off as a simple blogging site.

  6. Sign up. If you’re getting WordPress, go to, click Start a blog.

    <p>Sign up. If you're getting WordPress, go to <a href=""></a>, click Start a blog.</p>

  7. Work on your theme and blog’s appearance.

    <p>Work on your theme and blog's appearance.</p>

  8. Click My Site at the upper left corner.

    <p>Click My Site at the upper left corner.</p>

  9. To edit the title of your site, click Settings> Site Title.

    <p>To edit the title of your site, click Settings> Site Title.</p>

  10. To customize your theme, click Customize beside Themes > click the menu options on the left side to customize your page.

    <p>To customize your theme, click Customize beside Themes > click the menu options on the left side to customize your page.</p>

  11. Do keyword research.

Start writing. Remember the keywords when you write. Here’s how you create your first blog on WordPress:

  1. From the dashboard, click Write on the upper right of the page > Enter the title in the Title field.

    <p>From the dashboard, click Write on the upper right of the page > Enter the title in the Title field.</p>

  2. Enter your content in the space below.

    <p>Enter your content in the space below.</p>

  3. To add a category to your blog, click Categories & Tags.

    <p>To add a category to your blog, click Categories & Tags.</p>

  4. To add a featured image to your post, click Featured Image > Upload your feature image.

    <p>To add a featured image to your post, click Featured Image > Upload your feature image.</p>

  5. To view your created content, click Preview on the left side.

  6. To publish your blog, click the calendar icon beside Publish, set the date and time that you want it to go live.

    <p>To publish your blog, click the calendar icon beside Publish, set the date and time that you want it to go live.</p>

Marketing Setup

  1. Influencer marketing – Find and build relationships with influential bloggers who can promote your blog on their much bigger site and to their much greater number of audiences.

  2. Email marketing – Add a call to action on your blog to collect emails, build your list and nurture them by sending them emails relating to your content on a consistent basis.

  3. Social media marketing – Create social media groups and engage in promoting your content and driving traffic to your blog.

  4. Blog and forum commenting – Share comments on blogs and forums to get your name and brand known, and to drive traffic to your blog post.

  5. SEO – Use keywords within your content to increase your blog visibility in searches.

  6. YouTube marketing – Create and publish videos on Youtube to convey an audiovisual message to your audience and generate more traffic to your blogs.

  7. Social bookmarking sites – Add your blog posts to social bookmarking sites.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 3 months

Additional Tips

Update your blog posts on a regular basis.

Create credible and engaging content with the highest quality.

Choose the most suitable theme for your niche.

Customize your blog URLs with relevant keywords.

Leverage your own brand through your blogs.

Add videos, infographics, and images to your posts

Potential Results

Getting yourself the right platform makes it easier for you to personalize and make your blog just the way you want it. But while there are so many out there for you to choose from, you should remember that your content and aesthetic will always be more important so you have to constantly step that up. Don’t be discouraged, especially since it will take awhile, some even take up to 6 months before seeing any substantial financial progress. You can look to earn up to $500 a month when you do, and then step up to $1,000 once you get the rhythm.

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