Selling Your Online Video Course Like An Absolute Pro

Mike Zen
Dec 28, 2021 4 mins read
Info Products for Beginner

Online video courses tackle any topic under the sun and contain supporting documents, tutorials, and more. With people yearning to learn more from the comforts of their own homes, these courses have become a lucrative business for you to try. Some people create courses on their own products or services. Others create courses on subjects that they teach in an actual educational institution. But this doesn’t always have to be the case. If you’re extremely knowledgable and experienced in one particular topic, you can create a course and sell it.

You can launch your own site in order to sell it. Of course, creating your own course will already take up a lot of work, will you really have the energy or patience to figure out to create and setup your own site in order to sell it? It’s going to be difficult and time-consuming if you don’t know what you’re doing. The best thing to do would be to sign up for a site that lets you create your course while they do the heavy lifting.

What You Need

  • Membership with teaching site

  • Video camera

  • Mic with good sound quality

  • PayPal account

Setup Steps

    Set up Teachable.

    1. Create your account at

    Create your course.

    1. From the dashboard, click Create a Course > Enter your information > Click Create Course > Enter information about your course > Click Create Course.

      <p>From the dashboard, click Create a Course > Enter your information > Click Create Course > Enter information about your course > Click Create Course.</p>

    2. You will be redirected to where you can add content to your course. Later on, you can go back to this page by going to the Curriculum area of a specific course. Add your course content. You can create a new section of lecture by clicking the New Section and New Lecture buttons on the page.

      <p>You will be redirected to where you can add content to your course. Later on, you can go back to this page by going to the Curriculum area of a specific course. Add your course content. You can create a new section of lecture by clicking the New Section and New Lecture buttons on the page.</p>

    3. Add and edit lectures and sections to your course by clicking on the specific selection, performing necessary edits and clicking the check icon. To delete a lecture or section, click the x icon.

      <p>Add and edit lectures and sections to your course by clicking on the specific selection, performing necessary edits and clicking the check icon. To delete a lecture or section, click the x icon.</p>

    4. Pick a section or location for your video by going to Curriculum. In the lecture area, drop your video file in the section provided or click Choose Files. 

      <p>Pick a section or location for your video by going to Curriculum. In the lecture area, drop your video file in the section provided or click Choose Files. </p>

    5. Once your video is uploaded, click Upload Captions > Choose the language for your captions, click Upload .srt file > choose the file you want to upload.

    6. To customize your video thumbnail, go to Information > Branding > Click Add Image on the Thumbnail section.

    7. Rearrange the videos and content in a certain section by dragging the filename to your desired order.

    8. Toggle the options beside your video to customize its download and embed settings. Click Publish once everything has been finalized.

      <p>Toggle the options beside your video to customize its download and embed settings. Click Publish once everything has been finalized.</p>

    9. List down your course ideas and pick one to start with.

    10. Determine your goals for course, school, and site.

    11. Outline your curriculum.

    12. Write your script.

    13. Prepare your equipment and set. Make sure the lighting is good and the venue doesn’t have any distracting noises surrounding it.

    14. Record your lectures.

    15. Prepare your supporting documents.

    16. Find a teaching site or online learning marketplace. We recommend Teachable.

    Marketing Setup

    1. Start building your audience with your own blog or website.

    2. Create and connect social networks for you and your school.

    3. Build your email list and launch your course with an email blast.

    4. Offer an e-book or free course in exchange for a sign up to your list.

    5. Pre-sell your course and offer an early-bird price.


    Time to do: 1 week

    Time to see results: 1 month

    Additional Tips

    Join or set up an affiliate program.

    Create promo videos and teasers.

    Create a YouTube campaign prior to the launch of your course.

    Make payment transactions varied and easy.

    Start building your audience with what you have: friends and family.

    Respond to student feedback right away.

    Constantly update your lectures according to feedback and changes in time and circumstance.

    Make sure your videos are audible in a well- lit and pleasing background.

    Do test videos before actual filming.

    Potential Results

    You can generate an income of as low as $60 per month to $6,000 per month depending on how hard you work on your courses and in building your audience. Teachable offers many tools to help you do that, make use of them.

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