Create Your Own Course Within Minutes Using The Right Platform

Mike Zen
Jan 20, 2022 4 mins read
Blogging for Beginner

There are tons of people that have great courses to offer but are hindered by technical and creation issues. Sometimes, it’s because of a platform that’s hard to use or one that has many bugs. This, in effect, could be the reason that your great business idea ends up failing. And that is unacceptable.

Get yourself a software or platform that allows you to create courses with ease. There are many that will guide and help you from creation all the way to selling them. Don’t let your lack of technological know- how stop you from sharing what you know and making an honest living by doing what you love.

What You Need

  • Plan with course software or site.

Setup Steps

    Set up Thinkific

    1. Sign up for an account and select a plan at > Go through the account customization and setup process.

    Configure your site settings.

    1. Click Basic Settings > Enter site details > Click Save Changes.

      <p>Click Basic Settings > Enter site details > Click Save Changes.</p>

    2. Click Branding > Upload your logo and banner > Customize your site colors > Add a favicon.

      <p>Click Branding > Upload your logo and banner > Customize your site colors > Add a favicon.</p>

    3. Click Themes > Select your site theme.

      <p>Click Themes > Select your site theme.</p>

    4. To add pages to your site, click Pages > Create a Page.

    5. To add links to your site header, click Custom Links > Add Custom Links.

    6. To integrate payment methods and email list to your Thinkific site, click Integrations.

    Start creating your course.

    1. Click My Courses > Create New Course > Enter your course name > Click Create Course.

      <p>Click My Courses > Create New Course > Enter your course name > Click Create Course.</p>

    2. Customize your course landing page by clicking on an element and entering your customizations. You can customize page content by clicking the options at the left.

      <p>Customize your course landing page by clicking on an element and entering your customizations. You can customize page content by clicking the options at the left.</p>

    3. To add chapters and content to your site, click Curriculum > Click Add Chapter or Add Content.

      <p>To add chapters and content to your site, click Curriculum > Click Add Chapter or Add Content.</p>

    4. To set drip schedule or schedule your course content will be released, click Drip.

      <p>To set drip schedule or schedule your course content will be released, click Drip.</p>

    5. To add a course or product upsell, click Upsell.

      <p>To add a course or product upsell, click Upsell.</p>

    6. To add pricing and payment method, click Pricing. To publish your course, click Publish.

      <p>To add pricing and payment method, click Pricing. To publish your course, click Publish.</p>

    Market your course.

    1. To add or use a coupon to promote new sign ups, click Coupons.

      <p>To add or use a coupon to promote new sign ups, click Coupons.</p>

    2. To use sales widgets to promote, click Sales Widgets.

      <p>To use sales widgets to promote, click Sales Widgets.</p>

    3. Allow reviews by your course takers. Click Reviews > Click Enable Reviews for all.

      <p>Allow reviews by your course takers. Click Reviews > Click Enable Reviews for all.</p>

    Manage your site users.

    1. Customize how your site users can engage within your site by clicking Users.

      <p>Customize how your site users can engage within your site by clicking Users.</p>

    2. To add an instructor, click Instructors.

      <p>To add an instructor, click Instructors.</p>

    3. Create a draft of your curriculum.

    4. Write down what you’ll need to be able to create your course and whether or not you’ll need help doing it.

    5. Take those and turn them into a list of required features for the platform you will be using.

    6. Find one to sign up for. Thinkific is one that is very user- friendly and gets you set up within minutes.

    7. Prepare any supportive documents and media that you will need.

    8. Write your script.

    9. Record your course.


    Time to do: 5 weeks

    Time to see results: 2 months

    Additional Tips

    Having competition is a good thing. If your course idea is something no one has been selling, that probably means no one is interested in buying it. To find an idea for an online course, find a problem and eliminate it with your online course. You will learn while you create. If you think you are not expert enough, learn. Your online course does not necessarily have to be long. Find time to learn from those who already did what you are doing.

    Potential Results

    An average instructor generates $7000 from online courses as much as some would earn just $60. Those with great marketing strategies and can mobilize their audience can generate a six-figure annual income.

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