UpViral – Your Ultimate Viral Referral Marketing Platform

Mike Zen
Apr 27, 2021 6 mins read
Editor Rating
4.5 / 5

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There are a lot of marketing strategies that you can utilize. Whether you are a business owner or an online marketer, your primary goals are to generate traffic and convert qualified leads. With the strict competition for leads nowadays, using the same old tactics may not work as effectively since your competitors are doing the same thing. This is why viral marketing is worth trying; especially with how consumers think nowadays.


  • Easy to use graphics interface
  • Low maintenance cost in terms of pricing
  • Highly customizable campaigns and rewards
  • Compatibility with most platforms and devices
  • Highly useful automation features


  • Only offers email for support
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UpViral Pricing: $35-$49 Visit the UpViral Website

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Word of mouth marketing is basically one of the best marketing strategies in the business world. Though it is an age old technique, it still makes sense as anyone who is making a purchase would trust the advice of a friend or family member rather than a tagline seen on a poster.

This type of marketing has taken a new form in the online community as what most people know as viral marketing.

Viral marketing is not just an alternative for traffic generation tools. It is a brilliant marketing solution.


Let’s admit it. Getting qualified traffic is harder than ever.

Google changes its algorithms all the time and unless you are an SEO expert who has enough time to study the changes or you have hired and SEO company, you won’t stand a chance at staying at the top SERPs. In short, with great revenue comes great operational costs.

Paid traffic is practically the same. Services offering paid traffic are getting more and more expensive. Realistically speaking, it is no longer cost efficient. This can hurt your bottom line as it did mine because I tried it for over a year.

To be fair, I got a lot of traffic with paid advertising. But the cost of the service wasn’t really worth it.With the strict competition, getting qualified leads is as difficult as ever, and those who pay more get more leads.

In search of something cost effective, I came across viral marketing.

Major online companies and websites use viral marketing to extend their empires. Outside of regular advertising, these big players generate leads, build mailing lists, and boost brand awareness.

They know viral marketing works because it takes the age-old practice of “word of mouth” marketing.

According to Wharton School of Business, consumers trust referrals by friends and family members seven times more than ads. And why not right?

Furthermore, on a global scale, Ninety-two percent of consumers trust recommendations from trusted people across all forms of advertising.

And, customers gained out of referrals have a 16% higher lifetime value than other types of customers. Referrals are more loyal.

SEO and paid advertising worked for me for a time. However, with rising costs and Google’s constant changes, I was not able to handle the maintenance for these services. So I opted for the best alternative which is Viral Marketing.

But we mentioned that even big players use viral marketing, I want you to understand I pondered on the same thought as well. If the competition is that strict as well, will viral marketing even work for me? Chances are, viral marketing solutions will be expensive.

This is how I came across UpViral. It is the ultimate viral marketing system that is completely affordable and totally effective. UpViral leveled the playing field in viral marketing for small players like me.


Upviral referral marketing

UpViral is a viral sharing system that turns each lead into multiple leads through a loop system. Basically, you are getting leads from each lead via a referral system.

With UpViral, you can run viral giveaways by enticing your visitors to invite their friends. You can also run viral contests to promote your site or your brand via all social media channels in just a few clicks. And you can easily run product launches by creating a promotional campaign that again relies on referrals.

No worries as the UpViral system can integrate with your autoresponder, landing pages, sales funnels, tools, and templates.

What I personally like about UpViral is that it is cloud-based. You can virtually use it on any PC, and it is compatible with most operating systems and mobile devices.

UpViral is basically a complete viral marketing system that frees you from the burden of hiring marketing experts and staff. Why spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars when you can get all the benefits of having a team of experts in just one user-friendly software?

Without any technical experience or knowledge in coding, you can run your own profitable marketing campaigns in just a matter of minutes.


Viral marketing can be summed up in a couple of steps, starting with what happens on the landing page. With a promotion at hand, you ask for the lead’s email address. Then the next page either lets the visitor share a personal referral link through his or her Facebook page or invite. Once the requirements are met, and the customer gets the reward, the newly referred people may go through the same process, hence automatically generating more leads.

There are a lot of big brands that use viral campaigns such as PayPal, Uber, Dropbox, Evernote and even Amazon. If you have noticed, Dropbox is slowly becoming a household name. The strategy they used was a promotion to invite friends to get a bigger storage capacity.


Let’s start with an individual who has an interesting joke. He thinks the joke is so funny so he posts it and tags 7 friends. These friends then who find the joke funny have a tendency to re-post or share it on their wall and tag 7 friends each. And these 7 friends each of the originally seven tagged friends will do the same.

If the joke was a product, we could say the growth is not linear but rather exponential and happened in a very short span of time. This is the viral loop.

With the right reward system, people will spread your brand for you.


Anyone who wants to generate qualified traffic and do not want to spend a lot would benefit from UpViral.

Whether you are an internet marketer, a PPC or Facebook marketer, mom and pop’s business owner, online merchant or anyone who wants to generate qualified traffic, buying this software is worth the cost.


uprival dashboard


Dashboard – With a user-friendly dashboard, you can manage your campaigns and stay on top of everything.

Email Automation – The email automation is fully customizable, and you can send time triggered emails based on leads’ actions, add social media buttons into emails, send multiple email triggers, automate alert emails and set up follow up emails for repeated sharing.

A/B Split Testing – You split test lead magnet pages for opt-in rates, thank you pages for sharing rates and multiple emails for click/open rates measurement.

Upviral split testing

Referral Link System – The referral link system is fully customizable where you can use a point based system, generate unique referral links, manage points rewarded per action and setup extra incentives for sharing.

Rewards System – With a highly customizable rewards system, it is up to you on how you want to reward your users based on their actions.

Contest Promotions Setup – You can easily setup how winners are selected and when and how they will be notified and rewarded. Managing multiple contests, on the other hand, is easy with a schedule function.

Social Sharing Features – Have total control on how people share their links and how posts look like. Also to increase referral tracking, you can make use of FB newsfeed optimization.

Compatibility with Autoresponders and Tools – Do not worry about compatibility with major services. You will not experience any bumps on the road when you integrate with autoresponders. You do not have to revamp whatever you have like your landing pages and existing sites. UpViral is compatible with it.

Metrics and Analytical Tools – Enjoy the automated security and auto fraud detection. With metrics and analytical tools, you can track the performance of all of your campaigns and view the activities of your leads and referrers.

Mobile Optimized – Let’s face it, more and more people are using mobile devices, and if your site or page is not mobile device responsive, leads may just go away.

Aside from these, UpViral has other useful features like easy data export, a custom domain for referral links, support and up-training, multilingual and campaign cloning.


You can get UpViral for $35 per month or $25 per month, if you get the annual plan. Their Pro Plan costs $49 per month, $35 if your, again, getting the annual plan.

    Easy to use graphics interface
Low maintenance cost in terms of pricing
Highly customizable campaigns and rewards
Compatibility with most platforms and devices
Highly useful automation features
    Only offers email for support
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