Earn By Selling A Profitable Email Marketing Software

Mike Zen
Nov 22, 2022 3 mins read
SaaS Website for Beginner

Software as a Service (SaaS) is profitable in more ways than one. You can sell your service, offer a subscription at a price, put up ads, upsell, and more. Popular examples of this Salesforce, Microsoft 365, Zendesk, Dropbox, and Google Apps. These are services that small businesses use to get the job done without needing to hire an extra set of hands or spending money outsourcing. It’s an alternative that works for many because companies can start off with a cheap subscription and just adjust when the need arises.

Email marketing, CRM, and marketing automation are necessary aspects of any business, it allows you to communicate with your consumers and clients, forging better relationships, and hopefully better conversions. But it’s these processes that businesses have trouble with, especially when their list gets longer and their audience gets bigger. This means that many businesses are constantly for an email marketing service that fulfills their needs. This is a good opportunity for you to turn a profit by providing the only email marketing software they would need. There are automation platforms with reseller programs that let you modify what they have and sell it to your own clients.

What You Need

  • Automation software – reseller program


Setup Steps

  1. Do your research on common email service problems.

  2. Make a list of features or solutions for each problem you find.

  3. Sign up for a service. ActiveCampaign is one that offers their software for you to build on and sell.

  4. Set up your account at http://www.activecampaign.com/partner/reseller/ and click Get Started.

    <p>Set up your account at <a href="http://www.activecampaign.com/partner/reseller/">http://www.activecampaign.com/partner/reseller/</a> and click Get Started.</p>

  5. Fill in your account information, billing information, then click Sign Up.

  6. Once you’re logged in to your reseller panel. you’ll find a list of all your clients under your reseller account on the dashboard.

  7. Click Add New on the upper right to create a new account for your client.

    <p>Click Add New on the upper right to create a new account for your client.</p>

  8. Re-brand your account by clicking on Default Account Settings.

  9. Enter your software name, the URL to your custom logo, headers and footers for your emails, and more. You can also remove ActiveCampaign’s name and copyright information on the interface.

    <p>Enter your software name, the URL to your custom logo, headers and footers for your emails, and more. You can also remove ActiveCampaign's name and copyright information on the interface.</p>

  10. Click on Billing Profile and choose a payment method for your clients.

    <p>Click on Billing Profile and choose a payment method for your clients.</p>

Marketing Setup

  1. Start a blog with keyword heavy content.

  2. Write an article about your service.

  3. Contact bloggers in the same niche that would be interested in your service.

  4. Provide a trial for bloggers and other types of influencers in exchange for a testimonial or review.

  5. Create and connect your social media accounts.

  6. Engage your users and ask for feedback on social media.

  7. Create and build your list; and then create and build several more.


Time to do: 2 hours

Time to see results: 1 month

Additional Tips

View reports on statistics of your campaigns by clicking on the Reports tab and clicking on the particular campaign you want to view.

Create a subscription form on the Integration tab by clicking Create New Form.

Use a QR code to easily direct people to your subscription page via the Integration tab.

Create and connect your social media accounts and website to your service.

Setup automation and follow up emails that are triggered by certain actions by your contacts.

View ActiveCampaign’s provided video tutorials and webinars to help you understand and make full use of their service.

Pick a niche that solves a problem for people.

Include. eye-catching visuals in your message.

Sell a product.

Put up banner ads and sell ad space.

Join an affiliate program.

Charge for your subscription.

Potential Results

Building your list when you’re starting from scratch is a huge challenge. Your subscribers, when you’re doing paid subscription, is your primary source of recurring revenue. In your first month, you could probably earn up to $300. But keep marketing and trying out different things to get your word out and you could earn $1,000 – $3,000 a month in the next couple of months.

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