Efficiently Monitor and Analyze Expiring Domain Names

Mike Zen
Feb 14, 2022 3 mins read
Buy an Expired Domain Name to Jumpstart Your Backlinking Efforts for Beginner

Dozens of domains expire everyday. Sometimes, it’s the owner just letting it go. But sometimes, it’s because the owner forgets to renew ownership of the domain.

With how often this happens, you’d be surprised how many people keep tabs on domains they like, waiting for the time it expires and they could take it for themselves. Some people, on the other hand, search for valuable domains that are about to expire, to use for themselves.

There are many sites and tools available online that can help you find and acquire expired domains based on your criteria. Many of these contain domain stats and consistently updated the database in order for you to find the domain that you want. It’s all about finding the right one that works best for you.

What You Need

  • Membership with a domain site or tool

Setup Steps

  1. Sign up for membership at https://www.dropping.com.

    <p>Sign up for membership at <a href="https://www.dropping.com">https://www.dropping.com</a>.</p>

  2. On the dashboard, click Domain to find the live feed of dropping domains. This includes all domain names that are dropping or auctioning within the next 24 hours. Click Live Feeds to customize your data. Click on the options you want to include > Click Save.

    <p>On the dashboard, click Domain to find the live feed of dropping domains. This includes all domain names that are dropping or auctioning within the next 24 hours. Click Live Feeds to customize your data. Click on the options you want to include > Click Save.</p>

  3. Click My Columns to customize the columns showing up on your feed. Drag and drop the columns to add and rearrange > Click Save.

    <p>Click My Columns to customize the columns showing up on your feed. Drag and drop the columns to add and rearrange > Click Save.</p>

  4. Filter your search. Access Power Filters by clicking My Filters. Quick Filters are found under column headers for a cleaner report. Input more info and customize more filters to narrow down your search.

    <p>Filter your search. Access Power Filters by clicking My Filters. Quick Filters are found under column headers for a cleaner report. Input more info and customize more filters to narrow down your search.</p>

  5. Click on a domain to get the Domain Overview. Go through Overview, Backorder, Sales, Whois, Leads, Analytics, Misc, and Notes. Check Unique Backlink Reports, Website Reports, with a click on its column.

    <p>Click on a domain to get the Domain Overview. Go through Overview, Backorder, Sales, Whois, Leads, Analytics, Misc, and Notes. Check Unique Backlink Reports, Website Reports, with a click on its column.</p>

  6. Place a bid, buy, add to your watchlist or backorder by clicking the domain to get to the Domain Overview popup.

  7. Make a list of domain names and niches you’d be interested in.

  8. Look for a platform to sign up for. Consider Dropping.com, one that lets you acquire domains and presents it in a clear format, making your search better.

Marketing Setup

  1. Flip – Buy generic and easy to remember domain names. Look at its exact search volume and avoid domains with dashes.

  2. Park – Register and keep the domains. Post ads to earn a passive income.

  3. Develop – Install WordPress and turn it into a blog or site. Increase traffic and improve SEO. 


Time to do: 5 weeks

Time to see results: 2 months

Additional Tips

Do your due diligence. Sometimes, a domain with lots of bids doesn’t necessarily make the best purchase and those with no bids become one of your best flips. Take advantage of the tools and comprehensive reports dropping.com provides.

Hire people online to create content and manage sites you want to develop. Post ads on there or your main site about domains that you’re currently selling. Have realistic prices expectations and use charm pricing to increase chances of getting a sale.

Potential Results

Flipping domains can take a long time or no time at all. But purchasing expired domains takes a lot of time, analysis, and effort. You can generate a passive income of up to $500 and up depending on how much time and effort you’ll be willing to invest in.

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