Website Brokers: Getting You The Best Established Websites For Your Businesses

Mike Zen
Feb 21, 2022 3 mins read
Buying Sites for Beginner

With the number of internet users continuously increasing for the past 10 years, and global e-commerce forecast growing from $1.7 trillion to $2.4 trillion, the number of people interested in pursuing internet marketing has just been rapidly increasing, as well. People have been signing up for all sorts of sites and selling different types of products, starting review sites, sharing their services, and so much more. Each year, more and more methods to make money show up for people to jump on and try. Not everyone, of course, has the experience and technical know- how to try everything.

It’s fortunate that there are many e-commerce sites for sale so that you don’t have to start from scratch and create your own. The most reliable ones are offered up by brokers, so get the site you want without any hassle and you can focus on other things like marketing and promotions.

What You Need

  • Account with a broker

Setup Steps

  1. At, make contact with a broker and decide what website or online business to buy.

    <p>At <a href=""></a>, make contact with a broker and decide what website or online business to buy.</p>

  2. Get to know the owner of the online business that you want to purchase.

    <p>Get to know the owner of the online business that you want to purchase.</p>

  3. Prepare an offer and a letter of interest (LOI). This is a standard non-binding agreement between the buyer and seller to provide with an agreement on the basis of good terms. 

  4. Get your legal counsel and prepare the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) for the transaction. Review your contracts thoroughly.

  5. Transferring assets online is usually done via an Escrow service. Professional brokers will usually have an independent Escrow service partner of their own. Be wary of making transfers outside of Escrow. After the transaction has been finalized, there is usually a four- week period where the seller is actively training and helping the buyer learn how to handle day- to- day operations.

  6. Figure out what type of site you want.

  7. List down the requirements and features from the site you want.

  8. Search for a broker to sign up with. There are many available, like FE International, that thoroughly assists you through the entire site buying process.

Marketing Setup

  1. Get new content to search engine directories like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing to get traffic to your site.

  2. Work on creating a signature brand for brand recall.

  3. Use Google keyword tool planner to recognize the best keywords to use for your market.

  4. Create and connect your social media accounts to your new site.

  5. Guest blog for other sites.

  6. Start a blog and publish content consistently.

  7. Use Google Local Business for a local audience.


Time to do: 5 weeks

Time to see results: 3 months

Additional Tips

Do your due diligence on a business you’re interested in and monetizing it after purchasing it.

Find a product and a business you like that solves a problem for people. If you don’t like the product or the business, you’re not gonna be able to continue maintaining and improving its performance in the market; no matter how well it’s doing as of the moment. And if you can’t summon a continuous interest in your business then your market certainly won’t as well.

Have a strategy. Know your target market, the trigger for the need for your business, a cost- effective marketing plan, the works. It’s important that you continue to find new ways for your business to be known and to be remembered.

Having an online business gives you an opportunity to easily create more marketing experiments. Conduct those experiments until you find the ones that work well for your site. Learn about the marketing strategies that worked for the owner and strategies you could try out for yourself.

Potential Results

Businesses up for sale by different brokers have yearly net profits of $100,000 to more than $500,000. With time, dedication, and a lot of research and patience, you could earn the same, too.

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