CMS Commander – Your Sites With It’s Own Command Center

Mike Zen
Dec 08, 2020 5 mins read
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4 / 5

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Marketers need a better way to manage plenty of WP sites. Managing a single one is easy, but more than 5 can be a bit consuming. Time is important especially if you are in the Internet marketing industry. What everyone needs to get is software that makes WordPress site management easy and less resource consuming. CMS Commander is currently the most efficient and effective WordPress management platform and will even change the way you build your many WP sites.


  • Easily import existing sites
  • Low monthly fees
  • Post, edit, and manage in bulk
  • Easily create and delete new accounts
  • Your sites are secured with backups


  • No annual discounts
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CMS Commander Pricing: $8-$75 Visit the CMS Commander Website

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Managing WordPress sites for online marketing is a time-consuming task. Imagine having to get to a single article one by one on each site, monitoring performance, editing profiles, adding plugins and creating and deleting accounts. For an owner or marketer, you may have other responsibilities that need attention. The search is over for help. CMS Commander is a WordPress management platform that lets you save on one of the most valuable commodities in the online community – time.


CMS Commander is a platform that lets you manage all of your WordPress sites in one easy to use and powerful web dashboard. With a command-center-like function, you get to focusing less on your site setup and more on other income generating tasks. WordPress site management has a lot of redundant tasks which consumes a lot of time. CMS Commander helps you better manage several blogs and its plugins in the least amount of time possible by taking on updates and other tasks in one sweep freeing you from these repetitive tasks for spending more time on your business itself.


CMS Commander is the best choice to get for internet marketers and those who make money out of affiliate marketing. It is compatible with more than 20 services that are useful in building engaging content to make your blog site more profitable. CMS Commander lets users access huge article resources, locate copyright free images and videos, access plugins and insert affiliate ads.

cms commander for content and affiliate marketers

CMS Commander makes WordPress management faster, easier and a lot more fun. But wait, there’s more than that you get. Users also get access to tools that create awesome and unique content. Furthermore, these tools help with article optimization to further improve earnings.

Here are the key features of CMS Commander:

One Click Updates – With CMS Commander, no need to manage multiple WP sites manually and individually. You can easily install the latest version of WordPress as well as keep your plugins and themes updated with just one click. Do it by batch with multiple WordPress sites and save lots of time.

Copy Blog – Do you have a preferred blog setup? If you think your blog has it going, you can copy its settings and WordPress plugins and automatically setup your other sites in the same way and manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. 

Bulk and Scheduled Posting – With CMS Commander, keep your WordPress blog updates fresh with new posts regularly without going through the hassle of doing an update one by one. Also, you can schedule your posts which are really convenient and a total resource saver as well.

User Accounts – No need to worry about creating new WordPress accounts, deleting useless ones or updating the details, profiles of current ones. You get to update all of your available WordPress user accounts in bulk without going through the hassle of doing it one by one.

Comments – Through the command center with CMS Commander, with a click here and there, you get to edit by approving or removing comments, deleting comment spam and ensuring all comments are within your preference.

Automatic Backups – When it comes to backups, expect the worst and hope for the best – in internet marketing, you can never be too safe for your site. It is a good thing that CMS Commander backups all of your websites regularly to make sure that even if the worst comes, you still have the best coming your way.

Easy Restore – If you ever made an error or something simply went wrong, you are just a click away from turning back time. Restoration using one of your backups is as easy as pie, and you can go back to your website’s previous state as if nothing went wrong.

Clone Websites – As easy as copying and pasting words into a document, you can clone an entire WordPress blog with its files, settings, and content to a totally new domain. 

Many Content Sources – You can import several content and use any of the free sources that come with the platform whether you are looking for news, videos, pictures and other written material for your own website.

cms commander create and optimize content

Articles Spinning – With just a few original articles, CMS Commander produces hundreds of new ones for your bulk posts by using the spinning software integrated with the program. With article spinning, you can edit and create unique variations of your original posts. Use services from The Best Spinner, Spin Writer, Spinner Chief, and ChimpRewriter.

Affiliate Integrations – With an integrated affiliate network, you have several options and money making opportunities. Insert targeted affiliate links, showcase products or insert ads to increase your potential of making more money.

cms commander affiliate network integrations

Backlink Count Tracking – With CMS Commander keep track and know the stats of all the backlinks for your websites. Be informed about the dofollow and nofollow links.

Google Analytics Stats – Include search traffic stats into your dashboard by integrating your Google Analytics account with CMS Commander.

Import Existing Blogs – Your blog from other hosts can easily be integrated to the CMS Commander system, and you are basically just a click away from consolidating your entire network.

Uptime and Page Speed Monitoring – Monitor website uptime right at your dashboard. Know how fast your websites respond and find out which ones need to improve on performance.

Secure SSL – You need not worry about how CMS Commander communicates with your websites. Feel safe with SSL encryption and keep all of your important information confidential.

No Password needed – No need to search and provide CMS Commander with your admin password. With a secure plugin, CMS Commander allows you to update your website without accessing it using your password.

Malware Scanner – Keep your website protected by running malware scans right out of your dashboard. Know when any of your sites are being threatened by simply looking at your dashboard notifications.

2-Factor Authentication – Your account is always better protected with changing passcodes which only you can see and have access to. This tool is powered by Google Authenticator.


What’s great about CMS Commanders packages is that all types of users are accommodated. From first timers to individual business owners to large companies, there are corresponding fairly priced packages available depending on the need. If ever you want to upgrade or downgrade service, you can do so without any hassles. Also, for more user accounts, you can add $9 to your monthly fee for 20 more users. The packages are so flexible, and as your company grows, all you need to do is contact the CMS Commander team to change your subscription.

Here are the different packages that you can choose from:

Beginner bloggers who want to try it out

Manage 3 Sites Basic Features 0 Users Free

Website owners and marketers

Manage 5 Sites All Features 0 Users $8 / mo
Manage 10 Sites All Features 0 Users $12 / mo
Manage 20 Sites All Features 2 Users $16 / mo
Manage 30 Sites All Features 3 Users $20 / mo

Large businesses, agencies, and networks

Manage 50 Sites All Features 5 Users $30 / mo
Manage 100 Sites All Features 10 Users $45 / mo
Manage 150 Sites All Features 15 Users $60 / mo
Manage 200 Sites All Features 20 Users $75 / mo

    Easily import existing sites
Low monthly fees
Post, edit, and manage in bulk
Easily create and delete new accounts
Your sites are secured with backups
    No annual discounts
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