Buy An Authority Blog To Cut Down On Development Time With A Broker’s Help

Mike Zen
May 24, 2022 3 mins read
Authority Blogs for Beginner

Authority sites are the go-to websites for your niche. They have earned their readers’ trust and have quality content and provide a quality experience. This makes site users happy to sign up and share things they find on the site.

Creating an authority blog takes a lot of time and effort. Luckily, there are many available authority sites for sale on sites like Flippa. You can also get the help of a broker to ensure that you’re making a safe purchase. Brokers like, FE International, and Latona’s aim to assist you in finding a site that fits your needs, is safe and priced fairly.

What You Need

Setup Steps

  1. Make a list of things you’re looking for an authority blog.

  2. Contact an online broker and discuss this list.

  3. Some brokers have websites at hand for you to choose from. Browse through the sites they have.

You can also choose to sign up for an online marketplace, like Flippa, and find a website there. Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for Flippa. Go to Websites > Established. You will find their descriptions, page views, rates, and the like.

    <p>Sign up for <a href="">Flippa</a>. Go to Websites > Established. You will find their descriptions, page views, rates, and the like.</p>

  2. Click on a site you like from the list to get more information on it like site age, site type, platform, financials, and more.

    <p>Click on a site you like from the list to get more information on it like site age, site type, platform, financials, and more.</p>

  3. Check the DA (domain authority) and PA (page authority) of the site. Grab one with DA 25+.

  4. Use AdSense Sandbox Checker to check if a domain is Google AdSense banned. If it is, find something else.

  5. Be wary of fake page ranks. Use fake PR checker tools to verify.

  6. Pick a site that you like and click Buy It Now or Place Bid. When you place a bid, you will be redirected and asked to verify your phone number. The seller will need to approve you as a bidder before your bid can be valid.

    <p>Pick a site that you like and click Buy It Now or Place Bid. When you place a bid, you will be redirected and asked to verify your phone number. The seller will need to approve you as a bidder before your bid can be valid.</p>

  7. When you win the site, you’ll see a link to the Sale Completion Area. Prepare an offer and a letter of interest (LOI). This is a standard non-binding agreement between the buyer and seller to provide with an agreement on the basis of good terms.

  8. Do your due diligence. Take note of traffic, financials, and maintenance. Brokers have in-house due diligence. While it is important that you do your own, professional help goes a long way. This is also the reason why, even though you can purchase a site on Flippa without a broker, it helps to know your options and to get extra security.

  9. Get your legal counsel and prepare the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) for the transaction. Review your contracts thoroughly.

  10. Transferring assets online is usually done via Flippa’s Escrow service. Professional brokers will usually have an independent Escrow service partner of their own. Be wary of making transfers outside of Escrow.

Marketing Setup

  1. Use affiliate marketing. Get a popular affiliate or the old affiliate the site was already using.

  2. Increase content. Write more blogs and make them keyword heavy. Improve SEO.

  3. Sell products. Have physical or digital products of your own to sell. Most have eBooks or learning materials that delve deeper into your niche.

  4. Advertise. Get banners up on your site. Allow users to put up their own ads. Get Google AdSense.


Time to do: 4 weeks

Time to see results: 3 months

Additional Tips

Create at least three to five unique posts per week. Respond actively to comments on your blog and when your blog gets mentioned in other articles. Link sources and other popular bloggers. Create keyword rich content and categories. Share your content on social media. Request for feedback and reviews in forums and other discussions. Interview and discuss prominent bloggers and relevant people in your niche. Format archive and related posts.

Potential Results

Popular authority blogs earn more than $30,000 a month. With the right strategy and maintenance, you could earn just as much.

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