How EasyAzon Can Simplify Affiliate Marketing With Amazon

Mike Zen
Jun 19, 2020 6 mins read
Editor Rating
4 / 5

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Amazon affiliate marketers face a lot of challenges without the help of the right tools. As an affiliate marketer, time is of the essence. You need an efficient workflow and the right tools to maximize your efforts in building your affiliate site. EasyAzon makes your life as an affiliate marketer easier through the many robust, time saving features it offers.


  • Your customers have the add to cart button that employs a 90-day cookie
  • Localization option for international sales
  • Be able to create links without leaving WP Dashboard
  • No need for any coding knowledge
  • Lets you use multiple styles of links


  • Support is provided only through email tickets
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EasyAzon Pricing: $47-$67 Visit the EasyAzon Website


Is the Amazon Affiliate Program really worth the time? If you’ve been looking at the Amazon Affiliate Program, chances are you’ve encountered both promoters and haters. We can’t blame the haters if they want to talk about how they miserably failed. We cannot call promoters cheesy because if they really earned a lot, we cannot stop them from bragging about it.

I have been on both sides. When I heard of the Amazon Affiliate Program a couple of years back, I said why not give it a try. Backed by my skills with WordPress and SEO, I thought I’d give the affiliate program a go.

I tried, I failed, and I hated it. After reading countless blogs and write ups about how profitable the program was, I made absolutely nothing. Oddly enough, even though I hated it, I decided to push through with it. Probably because of the challenge or probably because I knew there was a lot of potential on Amazon.


Despite not making money, I chose to stay with the Amazon Affiliate program. Here’s why.

EasyAzon Commissions

Commissions – At first glance, a 4% commission looks small. If you are selling $10 books, you will only earn forty cents per sale. This is, indeed, small. However, imagine if you were able to sell one hundred books in two days. That is roughly $40. What if you were able to sell a DELL XPS laptop at $1400. One laptop gets you at least $42. When you start racking up on sales volume, you will notice the significant increase in revenue. Also, when your sales volume increases, your commission rate goes up as well.

Brand Name – If you were to ask everyone you know where they make their purchases online, most of them would surely say Amazon. It simply is a trusted brand in online shopping. Amazon’s continued strength in the market is an indication that people believe in the brand.

Products – You can find more products on Amazon compared to stores in the mall. Amazon has it all and the more affiliate links you have, the higher the chances you’ll have at earning commissions.

Compatibility – More and more plugins are now available in the market and these tools can easily integrate with whatever platform you have to make your relationship with Amazon a lot smoother.

While I saw big earning potential with Amazon’s program, a lot of people found it challenging for several reasons.


Coding with Affiliate Links – Almost everyone who gets involved with affiliate marketing may have experienced the challenge of creating affiliate links or working with HTML codes. Getting the codes alone is a hassle and making the links look work and look nice takes a lot of time and effort as well.

24 Hour Expiration– When customers do not make a purchase within 24 hours after clicking an affiliate link, you will not get your commission. I have lost a lot of possible sales because of this, and it has been an issue with me for years.

International Traffic – I had no way to earn money from international traffic. That was a big deal for me. If someone outside of your registered country makes a purchase, Amazon does not give a commission.

With these challenges that I faced as an Affiliate Marketer for Amazon, I was determined to find a solution that would address all of these problems. I’ve scoured the internet and researched intensively for quite some time, and that is how I discovered EasyAzon.


EasyAzon is a WordPress plugin designed for Amazon Affiliate marketers that help them create affiliate links within the shortest time possible. The more links you produce, the more revenue you’ll make.

EasyAzon Affiliate Link Tool

With all the challenges I mentioned earlier, EasyAzon is a simple tool that addresses all these issues. You don’t have to worry about coding any longer because with EasyAzon, you just simply grab and edit affiliate links to make them more appealing to customers. Their add to cart function makes use of a 90-day cookie that makes sure you will no longer miss out on commissions for purchases that are made beyond 24 hours. In addition to that, you’re no longer missing out with sales coming from International traffic that is because EasyAzon allows you to signup with several countries and list them all your settings to make money with every sale.

EasyAzon makes Amazon Affiliate marketing so much easier with all of the functions that it brings.


Anyone who wants to try out Affiliate Marketing should use EasyAzon. Whether you’ve been doing affiliate marketing for a long time or just a beginner, EasyAzon makes it easier for people who want to venture into Amazon’s Affiliate Program. There is so much potential to make money, and once you get the hang of it, affiliate marketing can replace your 9 to 5 job. EasyAzon aims to resolve the challenges of being an Amazon Affiliate marketer so that you can focus on the business side and stop worrying about HTML codes, losing international sales and affiliate links expiring.


You can do everything in the comfort of your WordPress Dashboard. With this plugin, you can do everything without leaving WordPress. You no longer have to log in to your Amazon Associates account to create Amazon affiliate links.

Link Localization Option – This feature automatically creates Amazon links for a specific country which allows you to collect commissions you don’t usually get from buyers outside the US. You do not need any programming skills to set this up. Simply open an Amazon Associates account from the countries that you want to cover, add them to the settings page of the plugin and then enable the feature.

Add-To-Cart Option – This is the only plugin that allows you to let customers add items to their cart from your WordPress page. The best part about it is the 90-day feature which gives you a three month grace period for the items you’ve added to your cart. If the customer purchases it within the given 90 days, you would still get a commission.

Control Affiliate Links without Programming Knowledge – You can control your links through site defaults. You can save a lot of time by using the dashboard and quickly set links that open new windows when clicked, display product popup, cloak for SEO reasons, create prompts to add an item to the cart, apply a no follow attribute and many more functions without writing any codes.

Enable Product Pop-up – This function allows you to attract more customers with affiliate clicks through product popups. EasyAzon has a built in product popup solution which can help increase your commissions.

Additional Perks

By purchasing EasyAzon, you will get Chris Guthrie’s “How to Make More Money with Amazon” for free. It is the ultimate Amazon guide to making money with the Amazon Affiliate Program.

Here is what you will learn with this module

  • Module 1 – Introduction
  • Module 2 – Choosing Your Website Topic
  • Module 3 – Setting Up your Website
  • Module 4 – WordPress Basics
  • Module 5 – Setting Up Amazon Associates Accounts
  • Module 6 – Creating Content for your Amazon Review Site
  • Module 7 – Getting Traffic to Your Site
  • Module 8 – Maximizing Your Amazon Associate Earnings

Additional EasyAzon Features

More than just text affiliate links you also have the option to create:

EasyAzon Image Affiliate Links

Image affiliate links – You can insert a clickable affiliate link image directly from Amazon. This is an awesome feature because people respond more to ads with images which allow you to earn more commissions.

Information blocks – You can display product titles, thumbnails, pricing and buy buttons in block format that you can stylize.

Call to actions – With this plugin, you can directly insert buy buttons to make the page more interactive and at the same time entice buyers to make a purchase.


EasyAzon Pricing

EasyAzon comes in two packages. The first one is the Multi-site Use Rights. This package goes for a $47 value, and with it, you will get:

  • Multi-Site Use Rights
  • Use on unlimited personal websites
  • Bonus: The 2015 Ultimate Amazon Affiliate Guide (complete brand new material)

The second package is the Developer Site Use Rights package. For $67 you will get

  • Use on unlimited personal websites
  • Use on unlimited client websites
  • Use on unlimited websites to flip
  • Bonus: The 2015 Ultimate Amazon Affiliate Guide (complete brand new material)
    Your customers have the add to cart button that employs a 90-day cookie
Localization option for international sales
Be able to create links without leaving WP Dashboard
No need for any coding knowledge
Lets you use multiple styles of links
    Support is provided only through email tickets
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