Increase Your Infographic and Site Views With One Simple Addition

Mike Zen
Mar 17, 2022 2 mins read
Content Marketing for Beginner

Infographics are the best way for you to present data to your viewers.You can create ones yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. It lets you present data in one coherent and creative page.

The problem is no matter how creative and great your infographics are, it’s not going to be any good if you don’t have people to show them to. Which is a pity because most people process data better and can recall them better when it has a visual representation, and online posts with images get shared more. Improve your chances by getting your content on sites that curate infographics and post content about anything and everything everyday.

What You Need

  • Infographic or a story and data for an infographic.

Setup Steps

    Reach out to Daily Infographic.

    1. Contact Daily Infographic through

      <p>Contact Daily Infographic through <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>.</p>

    Get your content syndicated.

    1. Once Daily Infographic gets in touch, send over your content for syndication.

    Create your infographic.

    1. Collect research on your content.

    2. Hire a graphic artist or sign up for a platform where you can create one.

    3. Make a list of data that you want to include in your infographic.

    4. Verify your collected information.

    5. Find a site for you to submit your infographic just like Daily Infographic.


    Time to do: 1 week

    Time to see results: 1 month

    Additional Tips

    Make sure your content stands out. They get tons of submissions, give them a reason to choose yours. Work on your titles and descriptions. Look for other sites that let you submit infographics for free and reach out to them. Find social influencers and see if their pages could use some help with their infographics. Contact your influencers and discuss how you could create infographics that work well with their design. Discuss your rules for credit and attribution. Create syndication rules for other blogs that want to share your content to.

    Potential Results

    Sites like Daily Infographic gets a couple thousand visitors every month. Each infographic has been known to get at least a thousand views within just a couple of days. Work on creating infographics about interesting things, and visuals that capture someone’s eye, and you could be one of their trending infographics that get over 300,000 views. Plus, if it links to your website, it’s a great way to generate more traffic.

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