Aweber Review: A Pioneer in Email Marketing – Still Relevant with Today’s Modern Tools?

Mike Zen
Oct 04, 2020 6 mins read
Editor Rating
4.5 / 5

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Your website may be generating traffic, but are you able to convert? Have you been making a lot of social posts but are still being ignored? Every business needs to make an online presence, and you need to do more than just social posts and wait for traffic to stay connected with your customers. Email marketing campaign let proactively connect with your customers, and you can automate your campaigns with AWeber.


  • Great customer service
  • Wide selection of templates
  • Very user friendly especially the drag and drop editor
  • Highly customizable autoresponder
  • High integrity reports for better campaign management


  • ​A bit costly as your subscriber list grows
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Aweber Pricing: $19 to 149 Visit the Aweber Website


Running email campaigns is not all that simple. Sending a generic email to 1000 subscribers is not as effective as sending targeted emails to a segmented list of 100 people. Manually sending out emails will not allow you to measure your success. And, you do not want to spend most of your day focusing on your email list. Your email campaign, after all, is just one of your business strategies and you have loads of other stuff to do.

This is why you need an effective email marketing tool. By automating your list, segmenting your subscriber, identifying existing customers from targeted leads and measuring your success rate, you can be sure that your email campaign is helping your business grow.

There are a lot of email sending platforms in the market, and I have tried a lot of them. I am very keen on time, and I have always looked for something that has robust functionality while at the same time is easy to use. This is the reason why I am using AWeber.



AWeber is an email sending platform with a clientele of over 120,000 businesses which allows you to send timely, personalized and targeted emails to your clients. This platform is known for its superior autoresponders and numerous integration options.

Getting Started

It is so easy to use. I did not even look at any tutorials when I first started using it. When I had a few advanced questions, I checked online help resources, and I was amazed by the available help that I got.

To get started with AWeber, you can watch the introductory the video or just skip it. After that, you will need to fill out an information page like your company name and business address for your email signature. You will also need to setup opt-in confirmation message customizations. After which you can then start checking out what the program has to offer.

You will see six tabs at the user interface which are Home, Messages, Subscribers, Reports, Sign Up Forms, and List Options. The entire interface revolves around these tabs and some links at the upper right-hand corner of the page.



Timely, personalized and targeted emails. Your marketing success relies on your mailing strategy. You cannot just send generic emails to all of your clients. A segmented list will help you identify what emails you need to send to customers depending on where they are in the buying process. With AWeber’s autoresponder capabilities you can send welcome emails, and unique follow-ups while following a plotted schedule. Simply create various emails and setup the schedule for the autoresponder. With 150 email templates, you need not worry about starting from scratch

Email Editor

You have a choice from three AWeber email editors – plain text, HTML or WYSWIG. I find the WYSWIG editor the most useful. Probably because I do not have any coding skills or I just find the drag and drop function really useful and allows a high degree of customization. Insert logos, buttons, signatures, and even buttons just by clicking a button. Link your AWeber account to your social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter so that you can insert social share buttons easily.

Email Design

With countless customization options and 700 plus templates to choose from, you can create a wide range of emails without going through the hassle of staring at blank pages.

The email area has both sections and buttons that you can edit. Sections have rows and columns just like in a spreadsheet. With these grid lines, you have total control over where you want elements and buttons to appear. Buttons are editable as well, and you can change whatever text you want to appear in them.

Sending Emails

There is a preview option for emails before you send them. As far as the email list goes, you need to certify that it conforms to the providers’ anti-spam policies. This is typically the same with other email sending platforms. To take anti-spamming a bit further, AWeber requires that all addresses have confirmed opt-in which means your subscribers need to confirm that they want to be included in your email list. Unconfirmed email addresses cannot be added to your list. What you need to do is send confirmation request emails which are also customizable to those who are not yet members of your email.list.

You can send emails immediately once your list is done or you can schedule when you want the emails to be sent. There is also an option to publish your emails to your page and post them to your social sites.

Integration Options

AWeber lets you integrate your email marketing account to other online services like your website, personal page, blog, and social media pages.

Through this integration, you can insert your email subscription forms to generate more leads and grow your list. By integrating your AWeber account to whatever shopping cart tool you are using for your website, you can automatically add your customer to your email list.

Reporting Access

To improve the effectiveness of your campaign, you need reliable data to tell you how you are doing. You cannot just rely on revenue and number of subscribers. To effectively manage your campaigns and maximize the earning potential of your business, you need to understand how your subscribers are interacting with your emails and campaigns. Through the reporting dashboard, you can check out charts to see the number of contacts that opened your emails and clicked the links. You can also check your losses with how many unsubscribed and cross them with demographic data. Another use of demographic data is to segment your list for more effective campaigns.

Customer Support

AWeber provides total live support across all channels. As far as my experience with them goes, support representatives are friendly, courteous, and knowledgeable. With phone, email, and chat support, your are sure to get the right information at the right time.

Aside from live support, there is also a knowledgebase which is made up of hundreds of articles for your specific concerns, a lot of video tutorials to get step by step instructions, live webinars for education, email marketing guides to help you keep up with the newest techniques and a blog for updates.



There are a lot of features that I enjoy and find helpful with AWeber. Here are some that I find most useful.

  • Signup Forms – there are hundreds of customizable signup form templates with various styles such as lightbox, pop-up, pop-over or inline.
  • List Segmentation – deliver tailored emails based on subscriber information through your email lists
  • Send Schedule – schedule your follow-ups for more effective marketing strategies
  • A/B Split Testing – split test emails and signup forms to determine which ones are performing
  • API – allows you to create your integrations with other apps


Nearly everyone we know uses email. Email marketing helps boost your other marketing campaigns. With a subscriber list, you can proactively reach out to your customers. Whether you are a

  • business or enterprise owner
  • blogger
  • online marketer
  • anyone selling a product or service,

email marketing campaigns will greatly boost your bottom line.


There are a lot of benefits to using an email sending platform. Running email campaigns are time-consuming, and with a tool like AWeber, you can chop off some time from handling campaigns and focus on other aspects like analytics to streamline your processes and make them more effective. With AWeber, you can:

  • Establish more effective communication with your subscribers through segmented email lists
  • Boost your sales through direct marketing
  • Track user engagement more efficiently with reports
  • Test market messages through A/B split testing
  • Reduce overhead costs because you are handling your own marketing campaigns


There are different prices available depending on the size of your email list.

Monthly Pricing
0 – 500 $19
501 – 2,500 $29
2,501 – 5,000 $49
5,001 – 10,000 $69
10,001 – 25,000 $149
More than 25,000 Contact Sales
    Great customer service
Wide selection of templates
Very user friendly especially the drag and drop editor
Highly customizable autoresponder
High integrity reports for better campaign management
    ​A bit costly as your subscriber list grows
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