Using A Plugin To Create Automated Blogs In A Snap

Mike Zen
Jan 02, 2021 3 mins read
Automated Blogs for Beginner

Ensuring that you’re running a successful online business means you’ve definitely got your hands full with managing your money site(s), working on promos, testing out marketing methods, and maintaining a couple of PBNs, social media sites, and more. With so many hats to don, it’s clear that you either need more hours in a day or an extra set of helping hands. And sometimes, especially for small business owners, extra hours work better than the extra hands because that would mean spending a lot more. That may be true in some cases, but if you’re looking to maintain a blog, it doesn’t have to be. An automated blog will do the job and there are several plugins that will help you do just that.

What You Need

Setup Steps

  1. Decide what type of content you want.

  2. Find RSS feeds that give you what you want.

  3. Go to and get yourself a WordPress site.

  4. From the WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and type in the name of the plugin you’re looking for.

    <p>From the WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and type in the name of the plugin you're looking for.</p>

  5. If you’re interested in WP Robot, they will give you a license key that you have to enter to finish the installation.

  6. From WP Robot, go to Options > Click Disable Modules for modules you don’t want to use. Uncheck them and click Save Selection.

    <p>From WP Robot, go to Options > Click Disable Modules for modules you don't want to use. Uncheck them and click Save Selection.</p>

  7. Click the Options tab and enter the needed information for your affiliates > Click Save Options.

  8. To control the content that gets posted on WP Robot, click Create Campaign > Enter your specifications on the respective fields.

    <p>To control the content that gets posted on WP Robot, click Create Campaign > Enter your specifications on the respective fields.</p>

  9. Fix your templates and decide how your final posts will look like and the kind of content they will contain.

    <p>Fix your templates and decide how your final posts will look like and the kind of content they will contain.</p>

  10. Check on your site and see how it looks, if there are bugs, etc.

Marketing Setup

  1. Create an optimized landing page.

  2. Start and build an email list.

  3. Present an offer that will encourage visitors to sign up for your email list.

  4. Link back to your sources so that they link back, too.

  5. Add buttons to help to share your blog to different social media sites easier.

  6. Send newsletters and updates regularly to your subscribers.

  7. Share your content on different content sites, forums, and sub-Reddit.

  8. Create an account for your blog on different social media sites and connect them to your blog.


Time to do: 1 hour

Time to see results: 1 month

Additional Tips

While autoblogging is convenient, it doesn’t mean you should stop creating content of your own as well. Create some content saved as drafts to get inspiration for your next post. Make time for your own content to keep the site genuine and get more traffic.

Sell a physical or digital product then customize your content to produce some of the topics relating to your product. Earn more by linking them to a certain YouTube video or affiliate account.

Resell your blog by acquiring the developer license. This lets you install WP Robot on as many sites as you want. Sell your site with WP Robot as a bonus and gain an advantage over other site sellers.

Monetize with Google AdSense and make use of the affiliate networks included in the plugin. Mix and match affiliates and widgets with certain blog topics or products being sold.

Potential Results

Autoblogging will get you a steady passive income of about $250 – $500 for the first few months. But take it up a notch and earn up to $1, 000 a month.

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