LearnFromJon.Com – The Definitive Guide For Online Marketing

Mike Zen
Mar 26, 2020 7 mins read
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4 / 5

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Starting a career online can be a daunting task and not knowing what to do puts you in a situation where you can either succeed or quickly fail. This is what Jon Leger offers through LearnFromJon.com. With the struggles that you will face, Jon offers a helping hand to guide you on what to do and answer questions that may set you back


  • Unlimited access to members forum and training videos
  • The package is relatively cheap
  • You get tons of free useful tools and discounted modules
  • The site itself shouts “Bonus”
  • You can email Jon directly for inquiries


  • The only mode of communication for support is through email
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LearnFromJon.Com Pricing: $127 Visit the LearnFromJon.Com Website


Venturing into online marketing poses challenges that many people find difficult to overcome. It’s a career that may seem fast and easy, and in a matter of clicks we can all go from “rags to riches.” This is a common misconception that we need to stay away from.

The world of online marketing is a complex field in the business world. Underestimating the tasks and gravity of the workload is a huge mistake that people often commit.

Since the dawn of the internet and the birth of online businesses, a lot have tried, failed, struggled and succeeded.

We get motivated by success stories of those who were able to escape the realm of the 9 to 5 job and find the treasure of working online. We want to be like them.

Gurus can be seen here, and they’re offering all-in-one solutions and “secret sauces” to those who want to be as rich as they are. The thing is if they are selling their “recipe” for their “secret sauce,” would it still be a secret?

We need to be careful as most of these gurus charge thousands of dollars for their services or platforms or solutions. A lot have tried, and a lot more have failed. What we need to understand is that success is never all that easy. To achieve the success you need to know what to do, and you need to know how to do things right.

Guidance is important. This is what Jon Leger offered me a couple of months ago. With Jon’s straightforward formula I was finally able to hit it big and with a few tweaks in my processes I am now ready to explore new horizons.


People stick to their 9 to 5 jobs out of security. Many think that an online career is not as secure as a regular office job. I beg to disagree. Online jobs are just the same as businesses wherein you do not get a regular paycheck, but if you know what you are doing, you can keep your business growing.

In an office type job, your boss can terminate you anytime. The company can lay-off employees anytime they feel the need to downsize. Working in an office is just as risky, if not even riskier than having an online career that you have full control of. All types of businesses whether it’s at the office or online, have their risks.

Going back, why are a lot of people, in the recent years, have a sudden interest in online jobs like online marketing? I’ve listed at least four reasons below.

Companies Invest Online – Nowadays, for a business to succeed, it needs to have an online presence. Even the big players in every industry acknowledge the need to have a solid presence online. That is why companies such as Amazon, invest heavily in online marketing. They offer affiliate marketing to boost sales. Even well-known businesses and brands offline see the importance of owning a piece of an online real estate in the form of websites and social media. That’s because they are aware that their customers also spend a ton of time online.

Online Jobs Offer More Freedom and Creativity – Looking at online marketing gurus, most of them started off with office jobs. The online world is dynamic and constantly changing. It requires creativity and a sense of passion. This stirs our basic instinct to be free and creative. Working in an office for so long makes us feel trapped. Hence, more and more people tend to break free from this monotony.

Vast Opportunities – Compared to an office job where you can only work for one company or one business at a time with a fixed salary, working online has so much more to offer. When working online, you can have multiple streams of income. That is because there are various types of online jobs where you can make money. Whether it’s working as a freelancer, an affiliate marketer or an Internet Marketing Consultant, you can have several jobs or careers if you want to. With online marketing, you will find different ways to make money.

Flexi-Time – With a career in online marketing, you are your own boss, and you work at your own time. If you have places to go in the morning, you can handle your tasks in the afternoon. If you do not feel like working in the afternoon, you can do whatever you have to at night. You get to work whenever you want to, wherever you want to as long as you have a good internet connection, whether that’s from your laptop or your mobile device.

An online marketing career is indeed attractive. With Jon Leger’s coaching, I Now have time for my kids because I do not work during the day. I am happy, the kids are happy, the whole family is happy.


While working online can be more liberating than working in an office, online marketing requires passion, creativity, and the right techniques. You have seen people make it to the top. You may have watched their videos, read their blogs or seen stories about them. One thing is for sure, not one of them had it easy during the early stages of their online career.

The same goes with Jon Leger.

Jon Leger

Last year, Jon grossed almost $4.2 million in sales. More than a decade and a half ago, he was flat broke. He ventured into online marketing in the late 90’s where he struggled and faced one challenge after another. Just like most of us, he resorted to buying courses offered by internet marketing “gurus.” He tried almost everything, but nothing worked. For six straight years, he struggled and never lost hope.

In 2004 he discovered the formula for running a successful online business. And unlike these “gurus,” he does not claim his to be a secret.

Right now he could be off on vacation somewhere. He does not need to spend countless hours online just to make money. You can achieve this too.

Jon is offering his formula free of charge.

Jon’s 3 Step Process:

  1. Find a problem that needs to be solved.
  2. Find (or create) a solution to that problem.
  3. Offer the solution to the people with the problem.

With three simple steps, can we really be as successful as Jon? While it is correct to say the steps are simple, it would be incorrect to say they are easy. Jon experienced dozens of roadblocks along the way before he was able to perfect his craft and learn how to make good money online.

Jon knows the road ahead for you is difficult and that is why he created LearnFromJon.com.


Out of his want to help people to become successful, Jon created LearnFromJon.com. He and his staff provide quality training to members to help them reach their goals and have the freedom of time and movement as well as financial security.

LearnFromJon.com offers online courses, modules, and tools to help you start your career and identify what problems you can solve, how to create the solutions to these problems and how to offer them to make money.

True enough about his mission to help, Jon has included a lot of freebies for the members of LearnFromJon.com. Here are some of the tools and ebooks that come as bonuses for members

Product Value
The Best Spinner* $47/year
Article Builder* $197/year
Keyword Canine* $197/year
Instant Article Wizard* $47/year
Keyword Snatcher* $47
Answer Analyst* $97
Web Data Parser* $67
Instant Article Factory* $77/year
Jiffy Articles* $127/year
Content Ferret* $77/year
Money Site Trainer $97
Exclusive! Facebook Squeeze Page Templates $97
Exclusive! Google Competition Analysis Sheet $37
Pre-Selling Secrets $7
70 Royalty-Free Music Tracks $97
133mb of Background Images $97
Marketing Graphics Collection $97
Video Clips Collection $97
Professional eBook Cover Maker $120/year
Professional Infographics Maker $97
Total $1,823

These tools are available as long as you are a member. For FREE

Here are some more exclusive tools for members that you get with the package. All in all, they are worth thousands of dollars as well.


Social Multiplier – it is a tool that automates gaining laser-targeted followers as well as image posting in your Pinterest account

Learn from Jon Social Multiplier

Instant Face Traffic – this tool automates finding, joining, and posting to Facebook groups in your niche making it easy to promote your products and services

Contact Scraper – by scouring the web for website business owners, you can start building partnerships by sending out emails to them.

JLMailer.com – this is the most powerful autoresponder that takes email list management to the next level

There are a lot more discounts and freebies available when you become a member.


As a member, you will have access to the forum, video training, and bonus items. If you have questions, it would be best to post them on the forum to get great suggestions. If you need direct support, you can send Jon and his senior staff an email. Jon is even willing to personally answer your questions if you send him your email directly.

Jon and his staff will walk you through and hold your hand while you are learning how to be successful in online marketing.


LearnFromJon.com is a coaching tool intended for anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of online marketing but does not have the financial capacity to pay numerous courses. There are a lot of courses, sites, and tools out there that will ask you to spend thousands of dollars. Jon offers his help to newbies, seasoned marketers and those who are stuck and have no idea what to do next.




Currently, LearnFromJon.com has a membership fee of $127/month which is fairly cheap compared to other solutions.

More than the affordable price, you are also going to get a deal of a lifetime with bonuses and discounts that amount to $4,568.

    Unlimited access to members forum and training videos
The package is relatively cheap
You get tons of free useful tools and discounted modules
The site itself shouts "Bonus"
You can email Jon directly for inquiries
    The only mode of communication for support is through email
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