GetResponse: Best Low Cost Easy To Use Email Marketing Software

Mike Zen
Aug 20, 2020 7 mins read
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4 / 5

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Email marketing is one of the most essential tools in online marketing. If is cost effective, yields high results when done right, and lets you keep your connection with your client base while expanding to newer markets. As your list grows, email marketing campaigns become more and more difficult to manage which is why it is necessary to use an email marketing software like GetResponse.


  • very helpful and accessible customer support
  • affordable pricing plans
  • mobile responsive
  • highly intelligent autoresponder technology
  • offers more feature compared to the competition​


  • ​No way to verify deliverability
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GetResponse Pricing: $15 to 450 Visit the GetResponse Website


From the moment people started using it, email has become the most widely used tool on the Internet. Even at this day and age, people open their emails to check if they’ve got mail. To create an account in Google, you need to start by creating an email address, and we all know that having a Google account is a necessity in the online world.

With the dawn of social media platforms and mobile devices, the email has remained a strong mode of communication. Which is why marketing through this channel is as relevant as ever. You can target customers, follow up on leads, and contact previous customers.

Bigger businesses mean bigger mailing lists. The bigger your mailing list grows, the more time it consumes to run an effective email marketing campaign.

This is why an email marketing tool is really handy especially for businesses with growing mailing lists. With a business to take care of, you need an email marketing tool that does not require much effort to handle. This is what GetResponse is all about. It is an easy and smart email marketing system.

getresponse -Features


I used an email marketing tool before which I will not mention here. The drawback was that as my business grew and my mailing list became bigger, the prices started getting steeper. Which is why I started looking for another platform. That was when I found out about GetResponse.

When I started using it, I immediately enjoyed designing my emails. The features are highly intelligent, and it felt like I had a virtual assistant handling my campaigns. Here are the features that I like the most.

Email Creator

Create whatever you have envisioned for your emails with unlimited design solutions and a wide range of templates that you can personalize. Everything is possible, and the only thing you need to do is create whatever you have in mind.

You have limitless creative possibilities with a drag and drop function for texts, images, and other elements. It is easy to create and add elements such as buttons and text blocks. With smart image editing, you can crop, re-size and scale your images to make them fit your email design. Not just that, you can make these images look smashing with photo editing options.

There are five hundred plus newsletter templates to choose from so whatever your niche is in whichever industry it belongs to, there are predesigned templates that you can choose and improve with over one thousand plus stock images.

Once you have created your visually stunning emails, you can schedule the deliveries for perfect timing. If you want your recipients to receive your emails at the same local time all over the globe, you can use a feature called Time Travel.


Mobile Device Responsive

Let us review the numbers. Out of all the emails that you send out, 82% of them use mobile phones to check what you have sent. You can expect that 42% of these people, regardless who sent the email, delete emails that do not display properly on their mobile phones. 41% of all emails that you have sent are opened on a mobile device, and 34% of consumers have purchased something online using their phone at least once.

What is surprising is not even half of marketers optimized their emails for mobile devices.

Under the Email Creator feature is the Mobile Email Preview which lets you see how your email would look like when opened on a mobile device.

getresponse-mobile responsive

Email Intelligence

With Email Intelligence, you can actually see who opened your email, who did not open your email and who are clicking those links that you sent. The best part is you can segment those who did not open the emails and easily send them another batch.

Finding out the trends on which time of the day and day of the week your subscribers most likely take action on your emails is really useful information for segmentation. With Perfect Timing, you can target your delivery schedules by which they are most likely to respond.

When it comes to the effectiveness of the emails that you are sending, you can conduct A/B split testing to determine which emails convert more.

Other useful data you can get from Email Intelligence are

  • real email ROI
  • autoresponder statistics
  • social sharing stats
  • email client stats

Autoresponders 2.0

Through simple yet powerful marketing automation, your email marketing gets more personalized with 1 to 1 communication based on your subscriber’s behavior and profile. You can either automate time-based or action based messages depending on which you think your customers would be much more responsive on.

With time-based messages, you can create email cycles based on your customer’s profiles. Do not be limited by constraints and be able to:

  • Send daily messages without limit
  • Have complete timing control
  • Enjoy easy cycle management
  • Utilize drag ‘n’ drop order management
  • Use quick messaging

Action based messages, on the other hand, are responses based on your customer’s needs and actions. Possible triggers are:

  • Clicks
  • Transactions completed
  • Contact preferences changes
  • Completed transactions
  • Important dates like birthdays
  • Contact sign-up
  • Another autoresponder


The new GetResponse forms have been created to meet your every lead conversion goal. To make your online marketing easier and more efficient, you have templates for your different needs:

  1. Newsletter Sign-up
  2. Order forms
  3. Free downloads
  4. Free course sign-up
  5. Feedback forms
  6. Event Sign-up
  7. Seasonal forms
  8. Blank forms

Having 500 plus top notch templates you can create all the forms that you need and conduct A/B tests to check which one is working and which is not. Landing PagesMake sure that your traffic is not wasted by converting more visitors into leads with highly effective and professional looking landing pages.

To build these landing pages, simply choose one from over a hundred expertly crafted templates. Customize the template with a drag and drop WYSIWYG editor to make it match your store. Once you are done designing, publishing the page is as easy as clicking the mouse button.

The landing pages created through GetResponse are highly mobile responsive, so you do not have to be a programmer or anyone with HTML coding skills to send these professional looking pages.

List Booster

Needless to say, your mailing list is the lifeblood of your email marketing campaign. Through GerResponse’s list booster, you can easily grow that list by importing contacts from 16 different sources.

List Booster easily connects with various sources like your desktop, mail clients, and online services. By growing your GetResponse list through contact centralization with list booster, you can convert more contacts and improve your ROI.

Expert Customer Support

Get all the help that you need from educational video tutorials and multi-channel support. A dedicated team of experts is always ready to communicate with you via email, chat, phone and even fax. You do not have to worry about emergencies anywhere you are in the globe with 24/7 live chat.

There is also a self-help learning center with product tutorials, case studies, an FAQ zone, webinars, blog posts and feedback section. With a vast knowledge base worth of information, no question gets unanswered, and no problems get unresolved.

Video Newsletters

What can further boost your email marketing campaign is by integrating a video marketing campaign. GetResponse indeed provides an all in one solution as you can create high impact and professional looking videos through the MultiMeda Studio.

Improve your click through rates and optimize your campaigns by creating product demos, video tutorials, brand presentations, testimonials, event coverage, announcements and much more.


Email marketing brings customers directly to your website and encourages them to take action. It is an inexpensive way to convert leads and lets you stay in touch with your current customers. Even huge enterprises still use email marketing. GetResponse is an all in one solution intended for

  • small business owners who want to grow a client base
  • websites that generate a lot of traffic but still has low conversions
  • businesses that are already successful locally but are new to online marketing
  • businesses that want to expand
  • professional bloggers
  • any website owner that wants to get better conversion


Knowing the features that GetResponse offers and the importance of an email marketing campaign for your business, let us take a look at how your business will benefit from GetResponse.

Cost Effectiveness – Among other marketing campaigns, email marketing with GetResponse is very cost effective. Aside from the typical features that an email marketing platform offers, it has added features like the video editor, Time Travel, Perfect Timing and many more that gives your campaigns an edge.

Indispensable Analytics – Through the Email Intelligence feature, you segmentation is more effective with perfectly timed emails and autoresponder statistics. Get valuable data from smart reporting to determine which campaigns are working and which messages your customers are responsive to. Track the number of sales, signups, and visits on your website to determine your ROI

Intelligent Autoresponder – Autoresponders 2.0 is a dynamic tool that lets you send the right email content to the right person at the right time. It is a powerful marketing automation with action based and time-based messages that makes it seem to your customers that you are talking them real time and you are personally sending them each email.

Easy to Use Email Creator – And above all, making effective emails are easy and at the same time fun. This perhaps is the most enjoyable part as the Email Creator lets your mind flow and be creative without the restrictions of coding and programming. Drag and drop elements that you like and immediately see how your page looks like with the WYSIWYG function.


The plans that GetResponse offers depend on the number of subscribers only. You can send an unlimited number of emails per month unlike in other platforms wherein certain packages are limited. Relatively, the prices are low, and if you pay annually, you will get an 18% discount.

Here are the current pricing plans of GetResponse

Subscribers Monthly with Annual Discount
1000 $15 $12.30
2500 $25 $20.50
5000 $45 $39.90
10000 $65 $53.30
25000 $145 $118.90
50000 $250 $205
100000 $450 $369

    very helpful and accessible customer support
affordable pricing plans
mobile responsive
highly intelligent autoresponder technology
offers more feature compared to the competition​
    ​No way to verify deliverability
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