Make Money Fast On Business Domains

Mike Zen
Dec 19, 2020 3 mins read
Flipping Websites & Domains for Beginner

Buying a domain and selling it for a higher price is what domain flipping is all about. It’s one of the easiest ways for you to make money online; especially since you don’t have to worry about anything like shipping and delivery delays. You can purchase domains from a lot of online marketplaces. The challenge there is how you’re going to get people to purchase it from you at the price that you want.

The trick to excelling at most things online is by joining courses. This help trains you in whatever topic you’re interested in, and that includes making money. Some of these courses even focus on expediting that end result. Something, you’d surely want to learn.

What You Need

  • Course Module – you can get one by looking around Google but you could also just go for Gene Pimentel’s Local Domain Empire 

    – $67

Setup Steps

  1. Purchase the Local Domain Empire course at You can apply a coupon code if you have one.

  2. Upload you site with FileZilla or another FTP server of your choice. Go to Remote Site > Local Site and upload the files in the Website folder of the Local Domain Empire system.

    <p>Upload you site with FileZilla or another FTP server of your choice. Go to Remote Site > Local Site and upload the files in the Website folder of the Local Domain Empire system.</p>

  3. On the admin dashboard of Local Domain Empire, you can change your website content by typing into the allocated text boxes.

    <p>On the admin dashboard of Local Domain Empire, you can change your website content by typing into the allocated text boxes.</p>

  4. Follow the course and perform process in accordance with the modules.

    <p>Follow the course and perform process in accordance with the modules.</p>

  5. A little searching goes a long way. Courses like Local Domain Empire are those that show up when you’re looking to make money fast, and online. Give it a go if you’re interested in both.

Marketing Setup

  1. Offer an incentive for people to subscribe to your newsletter to grow your list.

  2. Come up with an engaging and powerful content in your newsletter to encourage purchases.

  3. Study keywords for your niche and optimize your site to generate more search engine traffic.

  4. Create social media accounts for your business and actively engage your followers.

  5. Most people view everything from their phones nowadays so you need to make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices.

  6. Track your site’s metrics regularly and study your areas of improvement.


Time to do: 5 weeks

Time to see results: 2 months

Additional Tips

Even though you can find a lot of topics for free on Google, participating in a course gives you a more comprehensive learning experience than just doing your own research. Don’t walk blindly around in the dark when you can get everything you need in one course. But that also doesn’t mean you should stop researching. Every bit of information goes a long way.

  • Do your research on niche and keywords before you pick niche packages for your purchase.
  • Take notes and review each module before proceeding to a certain step.
  • If you feel like LocalDomainEmpire isn’t working for you, ask for your money back within 30 days.

Potential Results

If you’re serious about domain flipping, take the course to heart. $3 domain purchases could be sold from $100- $10,000. You could be earning a steady passive income of up to $500 per month.

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