Let A Freelance Site Help You Sell Your Services and Find Work Fast

Mike Zen
Sep 09, 2020 5 mins read
Freelancing for Beginner

Finding jobs has become easier with freelance sites and job marketplaces. But it doesn’t mean that getting a job has become any easier. It’s still a difficult journey of competing with other people who have the same types of skills and levels of experience as you; trying to outperform other people in order to get a job. Some people complain about the struggle. But despite the challenges, a combination of the right factors can really help you succeed. Sometimes, having the right samples, facing the right online tests, and changing your pitches could help increase your chances in getting the right jobs that you want. It’s also about forging connections with your present clients to increase the possibility of getting more jobs with them and possible referrals.But despite the challenges, a combination of the right factors can really help you succeed. Sometimes, having the right samples, acing the right online tests, and changing your pitches could help increase your chances in getting the right jobs that you want. It’s also about forging connections with your present clients to increase the possibility of getting more jobs with them and possible referrals.

It’s also about forging connections with your present clients to increase the possibility of getting more jobs with them and possible referrals.But despite the challenges, a combination of the right factors can really help you succeed. Sometimes, having the right samples, acing the right online tests, and changing your pitches could help increase your chances in getting the right jobs that you want. It’s also about forging connections with your present clients to increase the possibility of getting more jobs with them and possible referrals.

What You Need

  • Membership at freelance site.

  • Safepay transfer account – Local bank account

Setup Steps

  1. At http://www.guru.com, click Join Now on the upper right portion of the page > Click I want to Work.

    <p>At <a href="http://www.guru.com">http://www.guru.com</a>, click Join Now on the upper right portion of the page > Click I want to Work.</p>

  2. Enter your name, email address and desired password > Click Join Guru. Alternatively, join using any of your social media account by clicking on the icon of the social media of your choice and following the prompts.

  3. If signing up using the form with the your email address, verify your email address by following checking the email sent to you inbox and following the verification process.

    <p>If signing up using the form with the your email address, verify your email address by following checking the email sent to you inbox and following the verification process.</p>

  4. Enter your contact information > Click Continue.

    <p>Enter your contact information > Click Continue.</p>

  5. Fill in the information under Title, Description, Skills & Expertise, Rate/Hour, Minimum Budget and Category > Click Publish Now.

    <p>Fill in the information under Title, Description, Skills & Expertise, Rate/Hour, Minimum Budget and Category > Click Publish Now.</p>

  6. Add your services. Click on the plus icon across Edit Services > Add your service > Click Publish Now. To add more services, click on the plus icon and do the same.

    <p>Add your services. Click on the plus icon across Edit Services > Add your service > Click Publish Now. To add more services, click on the plus icon and do the same.</p>

  7. Add your portfolio. Click Portfolio on the left menu > Click the plus icon across Edit Work Collections > Add your portfolio > Click Continue if you want to add more or Save when you are done.

    <p>Add your portfolio. Click Portfolio on the left menu > Click the plus icon across Edit Work Collections > Add your portfolio > Click Continue if you want to add more or Save when you are done.</p>

  8. Edit your About information. Click About on the left menu > Fill in the information under Public Identity > Click Save > Fill in the Overview portion > Click Save > Attach files if applicable under Attach Files and Videos > If you want to add a skill proficiency, click Take Skill Tests across Skill Tests.

    <p>Edit your About information. Click About on the left menu > Fill in the information under Public Identity > Click Save > Fill in the Overview portion > Click Save > Attach files if applicable under Attach Files and Videos > If you want to add a skill proficiency, click Take Skill Tests across Skill Tests.</p>

  9. To add a client testimonial to your profile, click Testimonials on the left menu > Click Add a testimonial if it is the first or click the plus icon across Edit Testimonials > Add the testimonial > Click Add.

    <p>To add a client testimonial to your profile, click Testimonials on the left menu > Click Add a testimonial if it is the first or click the plus icon across Edit Testimonials > Add the testimonial > Click Add.</p>

  10. To edit membership, click Membership on the left side > Select the membership plan of your choice > If a paid membership was selected, select a payment method and follow the prompts.

    <p>To edit membership, click Membership on the left side > Select the membership plan of your choice > If a paid membership was selected, select a payment method and follow the prompts.</p>

  11. To buy more bids, click Bids on the left side > Click Buy Bids > Select the number of bids that you want to buy > Select a payment method and follow the prompts.

    <p>To buy more bids, click Bids on the left side > Click Buy Bids > Select the number of bids that you want to buy > Select a payment method and follow the prompts.</p>

  12. To edit your profile, update membership or buy bids anytime, click on the profile icon at the top right part of the page > Click Edit Profile / Membership / Buy Bids from the dropdown menu and do the updates accordingly.

    <p>To edit your profile, update membership or buy bids anytime, click on the profile icon at the top right part of the page > Click Edit Profile / Membership / Buy Bids from the dropdown menu and do the updates accordingly.</p>

  13. Click Jobs on the top menu > Find jobs.

    <p>Click Jobs on the top menu > Find jobs.</p>

  14. Select a skill category on the left side or enter your preferred job or title on the search bar above the list of jobs.

    <p>Select a skill category on the left side or enter your preferred job or title on the search bar above the list of jobs.</p>

  15. Click on a job post that interest you.

    <p>Click on a job post that interest you.</p>

  16. Click Apply and follow the prompts.

    <p>Click Apply and follow the prompts.</p>

  17. Collect all of your samples to include in your profile.

  18. Search for a freelance site to sign up for. Guru is a common one that’s often mentioned when you talkf of freelance sites. 

Marketing Setup

  1. Develop your own website showcasing your expertise and services. Add your website link to your Guru profile page and add a link or icon directing to your Guru page on your website.

  2. Make yourself known and visible on social media sites. Create a Facebook page, generate a list of followers on Twitter and connect with potential clients and like-minded individuals on LinkedIn. Post a link to your social media pages on your Guru profile page, and add a link directing your followers to your Guru profile on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  3. Create a YouTube channel. Create appealing videos related to your services and add a link directing viewers to your Guru profile page or website.

  4. Build your network – Do not stop looking for potential partners, clients and brand advocates who can help boost and promote your freelancing business. Organize online and offline events, get interviewed, join groups and participate in promotional programs.


Time to do: 1 day

Time to see results: 5 weeks

Additional Tips

Get yourself a brand and niche to set you apart from the competition.

Create an appealing and convincing profile with a professional and quality profile picture and high-quality content.

Ask clients to leave feedback about your work to add to your credibility.

Set a competitive price but making sure you are not underpaid.

Offer discounts and promotional services.

Get a paid membership to be more prioritized by Guru.

Update your personal description and portfolio constantly.

Potential Results

You could earn up to $1,000 a month once you’ve made enough connections and recognition as a freelancer. Make sure to take online tests to ensure that employers have a concrete idea of what you can do and how well you can do it.

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