The Top Three Social Media Websites for Any Business

Staff Editor
Jul 09, 2013 4 mins read

The Top Three Social Media Websites for Any BusinessSocial media websites are abundant. Depending upon your audience, there may be one website that is more important than the other. However, in most cases, there are three really big social media websites that stand out from all of the rest.

These are the three largest social media websites and every business owner should have a profile and page with each one. When you are designing a social media plan, you should always include these three websites. Without any one of them, you aren’t performing at your full potential.


This website belongs at the top of every social media list and should be a top priority for business owners developing a social media strategy. There are over 900 million users, making it the largest social networking and social media website in existence.

The initial market was for finding people that you already know and establishing contact. This could include friends, family, or friends from years ago. Already, that makes this a great tool for building your network.

Updates and comments through Facebook are usually short, sweet, and to-the-point. However, not as short as you might see on other websites like Twitter.  Unfortunately, from a business perspective, most people on Facebook aren’t looking to “buy” anything while they are there. Yet, it is still the most important social media website out there.

Yes! Any smart business owner will utilize the networks on Facebook within their social media campaign. Just remember, no pushy or “sell” media. Create content that is engaging and interesting.

Google Plus

Google Plus is a website that now has almost 400 million users. This makes it the second-largest social networking website and it has the Google name. This makes it a big contender on the list of important social media websites. The website, its users, and the interface is nothing similar to Facebook.

Many people compare the two, but a smart businessman will utilize the two entirely different websites and their users to his or her advantage. The networks are much less-private than on Facebook and it is much easier to integrate within your social media campaign.


Twitter has nearly 300 million users and is must-have on the list of websites. It is know for its extremely short status updates. Utilizing this website requires much more frequent posting to guarantee that you are seen by your target audience. While on Facebook, you should post between 2 and 6 times per day.

With Twitter, 10 to 15 posts per day is much more acceptable. There are a lot of automated programs and software packages that work with the twitter API to help automate the social media process. This makes it one of the easiest and fastest websites to build a network with. Of course, the people still demand relevant and quality media.

No social media plan is perfect with only one or two social media websites. Actually, three really isn’t enough either. Expand your list to include other websites, such as Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, and Foursquare. These are all really popular and powerful social media platforms that will help your business expand.

See more posts in our Social Media Category Page.

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