Simple Tips On How to Measure and Track Your Website's SEO Performance

Staff Editor
Jul 09, 2013 4 mins read

Simple Tips On How to Measure and Track Your Website's SEO PerformanceWhen it comes to search engine optimization for your web site, measuring and tracking your results is crucial for your success. If you do a really good job of tracking and measuring what you are doing to try and rank well, you can improve on those results.

As everyone knows, Google is the big kahuna when it comes to search engines. If you follow along with what works in Google, you’ll be covered just fine in the other engines.

Let’s take a look at some of the tools you should be using as part of your organic search marketing strategy.

1.  Google’s Webmaster Tools

Utilizing Google’s Webmaster Tools may be the best way to understand how Google looks at your web site.  And this is something you need to know to help you measure, track and improve on your search marketing results.

Webmaster tools is actually very user-friendly and has a number of resources that help explain how Google search works. It’s a free and powerful tool in your search marketing arsenal. It explains, and gives you data on, all the important aspects of the Google search algorithm. This includes date on what keyword searches are being used to find your site, as well as those click through rate on those searches.

You’ll also be able to monitor things that can hurt your rankings such as crawl errors.  Crawl errors happen with the search engine spiders visit your sites. They follow the links on your site through all its pages.

A crawl error stops the spider from visiting any more pages, which can cause a problem with your rankings.

2. Fetch As Google Tool

Finally, it’s cool “Fetch as Google” tool will allow you to see your site exactly as Google sees it, which can help you to troubleshot any problems that may be causing poor SEO performance from your site.

3.  Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Another really powerful tool is called the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. This tool will crawl your web site and looks for SEO issues in order to help you better optimize your site for search ranking performance. It takes a very time consuming process if done manually and make it happen extremely fast.

It will tell you things like whether a page title is too long for SEO purposes, or images that don’t have alt tags (important for SEO purposes), whether or not you are missing H1 Tags, if those are too long, etc.

You’ll get an almost instant snapshot of simple things you can do to possibly improve your rankings.  Broken links are the kiss of death when it comes to good rankings.  And if you run a big site, this can be a real big hassle, if not one you just can’t overcome.

4. Check My Links

But a nice tool called Check My Links Broken Link Checker will check all your links on your site and then give you a report showing all the good links and green and any broken links in red.

Fix the broken links and you’ve improved the chances of your site rankings getting better.

5. SEOmoz Pro Tool

Finally, a paid tool called SEOmoz PRO Tools which is now called MOZ is for small and large businesses that helps with practically every aspect of your SEO plan. Just for starters, you’ll be able to monitor the rankings of all your pages so you can track the rankings with each page to the changes you make and know what is improving your rankings and what isn’t.

As you get more and more data and make changes over time to your web site, you’ll be able to improve your rankings over time, giving you a serious boost in traffic. Check out more articles about Search Engine Optimization in our SEO category page for more tips and ideas.


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