How to Buy a Website with Traffic

Mike Zen
Nov 18, 2021 4 mins read
If you are looking for an online business, chances are that you have considered buying a website with traffic. It’s important to be able to capture the attention of potential customers. One way that this can happen is through web traffic – when websites are visited by people who may not have known about your business before they arrived on-site. A website is a great investment for business owners looking to grow their brand and generate more revenue if it is already making sales. We’ll cover in this post how to buy a website. Buying an established website with website traffic can save you time, money, and headaches that come with starting from scratch. In comparison to the cost of building a website to the seller’s asking price, you are saving a considerable amount of time and set-up costs. By buying a website with traffic, there is no need to spend hours on end researching keywords, building links, and trying to get visitors to the site. All the hard work has already been done for you, especially if you want to hit the ground running. The targeted traffic allows you to immediately test any new offers and continue to improve your conversion rate.   However, there are some things to consider before buying a site with traffic.

How to Buy a Website

Here are five questions every business owner should ask themselves before purchasing a website:
  1. Who is the targeted audience?
  2. What will it take to turn the targeted web traffic into customers if there are no sales data?
  3. Do I have what it takes to manage this new venture on top of my existing workload?
  4. Is this something I am passionate about doing long-term?
  5. How much capital do I have available to invest in this opportunity?
As mentioned above, there are many advantages to acquiring a site with established website traffic as it allows you to quickly monetize your investment. While you can save time and money by purchasing your site with a consistent flow of traffic, you will need to ensure the seller’s description of their traffic stats are accurate. We’ll cover that topic a little bit later.  Plus, if the website has content that is posted on a regular basis then it’s likely that the search engines like Google visit the site often and can help bring in more website traffic as time goes one, which means more eyeballs to your products and offering to ultimately close more sales. We will cover two types of traffic which are organic traffic and paid traffic, also known as buying web traffic. There are many types of websites you can purchase. We’ll cover a few of the most common types on the market today.

Types of Websites:

  • Blogs (informational content)
  • Lead Generation (generating leads)
  • E-commerce (selling products)
There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of site with traffic.
  • Blog Websites: These are the most popular types where information is what is driving the traffic. This includes authority sites in different niches that publish expert insights, article information and opinions. The web traffic would be driven by search traffic based on ranked keywords. Blogs that have a vast amount of content can benefit by the cluster effect of having a lot of expertise in a subject.
  • E-Commerce Websites: These sites typically sell products. There may be product-driven sites that have traffic but may not have sales yet. These sites can benefit by improving the conversion of the pages and the trust of the overall site. It is an online store where customers browse the inventory and then submit their payment details to complete the transaction. Web traffic for e-commerce websites is typically driven by product keywords or the reputation of the site.
  • Lead Generation Websites: These sites focus on getting visitors to submit their details.  The webpage would have a form where visitors would submit their contact information in exchange for something such as a quote, free gift, or report. Web traffic is usually driven by paid advertising or email marketing strategies.

The Advantages of Buying a Website with Website Traffic

buy a website with traffic There are many advantages to buying a website with traffic. For one, you get instant credibility in the marketplace with the web traffic coming to the site. Secondly, it’s easier to monetize on the existing traffic than starting from scratch. And third, It is much easier to continue growing the site since you have data insights to see what is driving the traffic to the site. 

The Best Way to Buy a Domain Name

The type and amount of visitors are important when deciding to purchase a website with traffic. The best way to buy a domain name is to consider your business and growth roadmap. You should be interested in getting answers to the following questions.
  1. Where do they get their site traffic from?
  2. Is it high-quality website traffic? How many visitors?
  3. How has it changed over time?
Reviewing the Google Analytics and web stats will help determine the demographics of the real human traffic. The most important thing is to ensure that the traffic stats are accurate and there are no anomalies with the targeted site traffic.  If there was a drop or spike in traffic, find out more from the seller why this had occurred. Were there any hosting issues or marketing traffic campaigns that might have impacted this targeted traffic?

Targeted Visitors

The website traffic can be organic traffic, paid traffic, or direct response from an email campaign. Each of these types should be considered when are about to buy. Depending on the seller, they may disclose more details about the breakdown of their targeted visitors and website traffic.  Be careful of bot traffic as well. This is typically identified by looking at the referral source of the traffic in Google Analytics. If the referral source is unfamiliar or unknown, then there is a good chance that its bot traffic. Another way of checking is to see if the traffic has a100% bounce rate and a 00:00:00 average visit duration.  This is very indicative of bot traffic.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is high-quality traffic. It is the best since they are real visitors and are not dependent on any additional ad spend or marketing efforts. It is free traffic as long as you maintain and grow your search engine rankings. This organic traffic also has long-term benefits as real human traffic for search engine rankings as it helps establish your authority, expertise, and trust in your industry. Organic traffic can improve as new content is added to the website.  The keywords that the website is ranking for and the backlinks online help drive real users to the website. The better a website ranks on the search engine results page, the more visitors it can drive to the site.  Organic is the most valuable traffic channel since there are no other associated costs for traffic. Next, we’ll discuss paid traffic, where the seller will buy traffic to drive visitors to a certain page or website.

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic means you are buying traffic to your site in order to convert to a sale. Unlike organic traffic, paid traffic will only be generated for a specific period of time. There are advantages associated with paid traffic and it’s usually the quickest way to drive more visitors to your site. However, not all paid traffic is effective in conversions. Sellers buy targeted traffic through an advertising network. It’s important to note the monthly advertising spend for buying traffic is an ongoing cost moving forward. The most common network to buy traffic is Google. buy a website with traffic - paid traffic Google Ads, formally known as Google Adwords, is the most popular method for capturing the top placements on the first page. It’s good to familiarize yourself with Google Ads and some paid traffic strategies to buy web traffic. Other popular channels to buy traffic are Facebook, Bing Ads, and social media influencer marketing for social traffic. You should understand that buying web traffic or paid traffic can require time and effort to maintain targeted traffic flow. But, the quality of your traffic matters – it should be high-intent keywords that can convert into sales for you.

Listing Details

When a site with website traffic is for sale, the owner typically includes insider information about website traffic, channels, rankings, paid traffic, social media, and the finances of the business to be disclosed to potential buyers. It’s important to pay close attention to where the organic traffic is coming from. This organic search traffic which is considered quality traffic is based on the keywords that the website is ranking for. The seller might include a future outlook on the target audience and areas of growth. This will help determine how you can increase traffic to the website.  While it may be tempting to get the behind-the-scenes information, it’s commonly frowned upon if you deceive the seller that you are interested in purchasing but have no intention of buying. It’s bad business practice so it’s better if you stick to domains for sale that fall within your budget.  Do your due diligence to ensure the quality traffic stats meet your expectations and nothing seems out of place. Quality traffic is stable and can sometimes be seasonal depending on the type of site. Usually, the seller will include Google Analytics data as well. Google Analytics can help identify the real traffic If the data checks out, the asking price is in your budget and fits with your business goal, then we can cover the steps in securing the website with the seller. 

Is Buying an Affiliate Website a Good Way to Obtain a Website with Traffic?

Looking for a reliable affiliate website to buy? The affiliate website buyer’s guide can help you find the right site with existing traffic. Purchasing an established affiliate website can be a good way to skip the initial stages of building traffic and start making money sooner.

Tips on how to make the purchase process as easy as possible 

buy a website with traffic - Topics for easy transactions


If you are ready to purchase the website with web traffic, you can either use the listing platform to complete the transaction. Most marketplaces manage the transfer and the transaction of the purchase.  If you are purchasing directly from the seller, you can use services like Escrow or Paypal to manage the transaction. is a trusted platform to handle larger amounts.  The escrow agent is a third party that holds the funds for the buyer and seller, ensuring the funds are released only upon both parties’ approval. The escrow process can be completed online. When working with an escrow service, you must be careful about the terms of your agreement. 

Transferring the Website

Typically, the seller would request the buyer to have an account on the same registrar to make transferring of the domain and website simple. Upon the completion of the fund transfer, the seller will transfer ownership of the domain to the seller and provide a zipped file of the website’s data.  Sometimes the seller might offer support to ensure the files are transferred successfully and completely. It all depends on the terms and conditions of the website listing. 

Setting Up the Website

Setting up the website should be straightforward as you should have all the files. If it was built on a CMS like WordPress, you can use the import feature to import the data and files. Its good practice to ensure that the website is restored as soon as possible to ensure that organic traffic is not negatively impacted. Google does take into account if the website is offline or page load times as a ranking factor. There may be a short-term fluctuation with the website traffic but it should follow the same historical data included in the listing. Buying a website is an important decision and you should do your research before purchasing. It’s also critically important to understand how the site was set up, what kind of traffic it has been getting historically, and where that traffic comes from (organic or paid). If you don’t know any of these things about the site, we recommend asking for as much information as possible when negotiating the price. Once purchased, make sure to restore it quickly so there’s no impact on organic search engine rankings. There may be short-term fluctuations in ranking numbers but those will eventually stabilize at their historical data points. This covers the basics of buying a website with traffic. To learn more about the best way to buy a domain name or website, visit our marketplace on  
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