Advertise Your Business Online Using Social Media

Staff Editor
Jul 07, 2013 4 mins read

Advertise Your Business Online Using Social MediaSocial media marketing has become a proven, cost-effective way to help promote your small business. Social media gives you the means to allow you to not only personalize your brand, but also allows you to develop business relationships with both current customers and potential new customers.

You can use a number of ways to promote your small business on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+

Share Your Images Socially via Pinterest
Pinterest is “new” when it comes to social media on the web. It is without a doubt however, a very popular website. This is a social networking site that permits its users to share images by “pinning” videos or photos to their pinboard.

Typically the pinboards have a common theme such as weddings, crafts, or recipes. The “pins” can also be shared on Twitter and Facebook for extra exposure. Use the same email address that you have for your business Twitter account when you register. This will allow you to be able to share your pins quicker without a problem.

You can also share your posts on your Facebook account by logging in through Pinterest. Be sure to link your business website on your board. Write a brief informative post about your business to include with your link. Also upload images and photos of your products and asked viewers to comment.

Tweet Updates to Promote Your Site at Twitter
Twitter is also a great choice for promoting your small business on social media. Be sure to create your account with a relevant name that includes pertinent information about your company in your profile. Make the profile as visually striking as possible and keep it clutter free.

Try to follow other organizations, relevant businesses, and people whom you would wish to conduct business with. The hope is that they will also follow you back for the same purpose.

Engage other businesses by retreating their posts, commenting on the tweets, and answering their questions. You can even go directly to their blog, as well.

Try to post new tweets consistently to help position yourself as an expert in your niche. Be sure that your tweets offer helpful resources, general information, and helpful links.

Create and Promote an FB Page on Facebook
Facebook is one of the top social networking tools, and promoting your small business using Facebook makes excellent sense. More people spend time here than anywhere else.

The best way to promote your business is to create a Facebook page. Remember that a lot of the same marketing strategies that you use on Twitter also apply to Facebook.

Your objective is to build quality relationships with potential clients that will help to lead to a solid following of customers and future sales.

Remember to link to as much pertinent content as possible including linking to your website and blog. Ask questions to engage users and conversations. Offer special deals to reward your Facebook fans, and change them on a regular basis.

Be sure to upload numerous quality images. Images can generate a great amount of interest as well as traffic. Upload fresh content frequently.

Offering weekly promotions is also a great way to market your business. Also include your Facebook webpage address on your business cards, emails, and other marketing materials that you use.

There are many other means to market your business as well, however using social media can be a cost-effective fun way to promote your business. For more articles on social media check out our Social Media category page.

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